



  • It is the closest family member to the free-living ancestor called choanoflagellate.
  • ast evolutionary step en route to bona fide free-living cells would be the synthesis of a lipid mem
  • In free-living diazotrophs, the nitrogenase-generated ammo
  • e the genus Exaerete, is a nest parasite on free-living Euglossini. A. caerulea lays its eggs in th
  • They are relatively small free-living flatworms, inhabiting freshwater and marine
  • nt, rather than assuming the existence of a free-living form of LUCA.
  • The male is free-living, forming part of the plankton.
  • ry complexity, greater than that of related free-living forms, and a great number of sensory recept
  • It is a free-living N2 fixer which is known to produce many phy
  • pothenemi (Nematoda: Allantonematidae) is a free-living nematode parasite that infects Coffee berry
  • also published as Noctiluca miliaris, is a free-living non-parasitic marine-dwelling species of di
  • f development and spend just a few hours as free-living organisms before attaching themselves to th
  • h reflect the highly structural habitats of free-living organisms.
  • f development and spend just a few hours as free-living organsisms before attaching themselves to t
  • ing on the particles are different than the free-living planktonic organisms, and what effect these
  • for example harvestmen, but the adults are free-living predators.
  • he synapomorphies of apicomplexans, but are free-living, rather than parasitic.
  • in the Strongylida), though there are some free-living species as well (particularly in the Rhabdi
  • females and, after a larval and adolescent free-living stage, spend the rest of their life parasit
  • In their free-living state, trophozoites feed on bacteria.
  • The bipinnaria is free-living, swimming as part of the zooplankton.
  • d him to associate with many members of the free-living theatrical world, and he fell into "irregul
  • by naturalists for the scientific study of free-living wild animals in which the subjects are obse
  • The cells are free-living, with no chloroplasts, and in some genera a
  • They are free-living worms, found in both freshwater and marine
  • Rhabditida is an order of free-living, zooparasitic and phytoparasitic microbivor