



  • Best Supporting Actor, Eastwood was reportedly fuming at his own lack of Academy Award recognition.
  • Horcher, still fuming from his own party's rough treatment of him, d
  • When digested with fuming hydrochloric acid for some time it is converte
  • It is a red fuming liquid under standard conditions.
  • It is a colourless, fuming liquid with an irritating odour.
  • Cadet's fuming liquid was the first organometallic compound t
  • It is a colorless fuming liquid with an odor described as ammoniacal, p
  • "Cadet's fuming liquid", which is composed of cacodyl and caco
  • ylformamide, acetic anhydride, HBIW, and white fuming nitric acid by combining these chemicals.
  • issile and the motor is liquid fueled with red fuming nitric acid as the oxidizer.
  • echnique a chemical substance is oxidized with fuming nitric acid under pressure (in a sealed glass
  • fueled with hydrazine and IRFNA (inhibited red fuming nitric acid), giving it a maximum speed of Mac
  • ics, having lost the bronze medal match to Sun Fuming of China.
  • amiya dojo, where Kamiya Kaoru was waiting and fuming over the fact that Kenshin had brought a femal
  • “Iranian rulers are clearly fuming over what they perceive as Tony Blair's govern
  • The two return home, just to meet a fuming Tokiko who is angry at the two for going for a
  • ndous agony they have suffered has left a rage fuming within both of them, which reaches their exter
  • The fuming Zamorin invaded Cochin with all his forces and