「ground water」の共起表現一覧(1語右で並び替え)2ページ目

ground water

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  • Desalters are also used to treat groundwater reservoirs in areas impacted by cattle feed
  • ilities for managing and protecting certain groundwater resources within Alameda County.
  • ed, 317, 289, 374 and 357 Mm3 of water from groundwater resources of the city.
  • tension, detect deep and poorly accessible groundwater resources, improve understanding of the evo
  • icated; new users generally do not purchase groundwater rights until they are sure they cannot obta
  • hat an ice storm formed the hole and as the groundwater rose, the lake was created.
  • The very cool groundwater running into the sea keeps the sea fresh al
  • It was isolated by Zhang et al. from a groundwater sample in Japan.
  • Groundwater sapping is the geomorphic process in which
  • Scientists believe that groundwater sapping created these gullies in Noachis Te
  • Groundwater sapping has been suggested as the cause for
  • heads typical of valley features shaped by groundwater sapping.
  • ., Edgett, Kenneth S., "Evidence for Recent Groundwater Seepage and Surface Runoff on Mars".
  • lcite mineralization and tufa growth around groundwater seepages.
  • ary fringe is the subsurface layer in which groundwater seeps up from a water table by capillary ac
  • ng pit walls generate acid rock drainage in groundwater, seeps, and surface water.
  • of the Quincy Mine have slowly filled with groundwater since the closing of the mine.
  • The company diversified into groundwater software training and consulting services,
  • Shallow groundwater, soil, and soil gas in the area are known t
  • s to the Wakulla River and St. Marks River, groundwater, springs, sinkholes, wetlands, forests, and
  • e river draws its water mainly from natural groundwater springs, snow melt, and rain water.
  • rea, thus facilitating recharge of precious groundwater supplies locally.
  • pacted concrete dam, built to replenish the groundwater supply to the Callide Irrigation area.
  • , after an epidemic of typhoid found in the groundwater supply.
  • to the raised watertable below and into the groundwater supply.
  • The groundwater, surface water, and soil on the plant have
  • Because of falling groundwater surrounding forests are dying.
  • Groundwater tends to maintain a relatively long-term av
  • Protection Agency stated that many years of groundwater testing surrounding the landfill indicated
  • Fossil water or paleowater is groundwater that has remained sealed in an aquifer for
  • enery along the base of the hills, captures groundwater that nurtures the palms.
  • -rich mineral deposit became inundated with groundwater that acted as a neutron moderator, and a nu
  • e as 1989, DBCP persistence was reported in groundwater that was previously used for beneficial pur
  • ation) to achieve geochemical conditions in groundwater that favor the growth of the dechlorinating
  • fed by, and (at other places or times) feed groundwater, to varying degrees.
  • The wells brought fresh groundwater to farmers and others who previously had be
  • em at the waste pond, freezing the soil and groundwater to a depth of approximately 30 feet (9.1 m)
  • a specific wetland can be connected through groundwater to other wetlands or lakes, or through surf
  • on Reduction Potential or redox in soil and groundwater, together with pH, temperature, oxygen cont
  • radioactive waste is traveling through the groundwater toward the Columbia River.
  • Relative groundwater travel times.
  • g half-life of 36Cl makes it useful to date groundwater up to one million years old.
  • The contents of dissolved solids in groundwater vary highly from one location to another on
  • subsurface characteristics (such as natural groundwater velocity during ambient conditions, hydraul
  • The system is supplemented by four groundwater waterworks on the North German Plain.
  • The system was changed over to a groundwater well source, dramatically improving water q
  • Biofouling can also occur in groundwater wells where build-up can limit recovery flo
  • investigation found that shallow depths of groundwater were contaminated.
  • It focused on protecting groundwater, which many residents surveyed had expresse
  • Area groundwater, which is the principal source of water sup
  • nflow and infiltration of surface water and groundwater, which can lead to sanitary sewer overflows
  • Cold groundwater will be pumped up from within the earth and
  • r buildings will be dismantled and soil and groundwater will be decontaminated.
  • pool can allow raw sewage to directly enter groundwater with minimal biological cleansing, leading
  • nity for their water pollution of the local groundwater with toxic chemicals, such as solvents and
  • r soil qualities and the close proximity to groundwater with the engineering design of their "state
  • ponsible for contaminating the soil and the groundwater with three old hazardous-waste disposal are
  • ted due to coastal sinking, associated with groundwater withdrawal.
  • hing land use, and to find a way to balance groundwater withdrawals and discharges.
  • Normally, the removal of the groundwater would have caused the collapse of the build
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