



  • The main consequence of halogen activation is chemical destruction of ozone,
  • ce cover are likely to have strong effects on halogen activation and ODEs.
  • The rate of deposition reflects the amount of halogen and boron in the deposited sediments.
  • The less halogen and boron found in the sediments accompanies
  • ral structure of a vinyl halide, where X is a halogen and R is a radical group
  • s removed from the alkane, then replaced by a halogen atom by reaction with a diatomic halogen mole
  • A halide ion is a halogen atom bearing a negative charge.
  • oacetic acids are carboxylic acids in which a halogen atom takes the place of a hydrogen atom in ac
  • ogen atoms are each replaced with a different halogen atom.
  • s split into an atom of metallic silver and a halogen atom.
  • are linked by covalent bonds with one or more halogen atoms (fluorine, chlorine, bromine or iodine)
  • Because of the high electronegativity of halogen atoms, NCI is a common choice for their analy
  • ith 4 coordinate gallium atoms and 2 bridging halogen atoms.
  • ally only one alpha hydrogen is replaced by a halogen, because each successive halogenation is slow
  • DBNPA acts similar to the typical halogen biocides.
  • The current light is a 1000 watt halogen bulb.
  • minimum EISA requirements is energy efficient halogen bulbs (see below).
  • EU has given the target of 2016 to phase out halogen bulbs, and any bulb available for purchase af
  • umans, patents have been filed for removal of halogen by electrolysis during manufacturing, though
  • CA is stable it does not strip like any other halogen compounds.
  • as freons, chlorinated pesticides, and other halogen compounds.
  • The halogen concentration of sea water can be expressed i
  • s of chlorine equivalent to the total mass of halogen contained in 1 kg seawater.
  • nly hints to the process involved like in the halogen dance rearrangement.The related IUPAC nomencl
  • The halogen decreases the basicity of the carbonyl oxygen
  • ReCl5, ReCl4 and ReCl3 are a few of the known halogen derivatives.
  • This is a typical halogen displacement reaction, where a halogen plus a
  • spotlights and halogen down lighters) or special purpose bulbs inclu
  • The chloride ion is the annion of chlorine, a halogen element.
  • chemical reaction of hydrogen with one of the halogen elements (fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and io
  • The halogens or halogen elements are a series of nonmetal elements fr
  • It is a non-toxic provider of a halogen gas in exciplex lamps (exilamps) - a gas-disc
  • light in the bus' ceilings, and twin circular halogen headlights.
  • light on the bus' ceilings, and twin circular halogen headlights.
  • A hypohalite is an oxyanion containing a halogen in oxidation state +1.
  • 60 watt incandescent light bulb and a PAR 38 halogen incandescent bulb.
  • these are the compounds in which halogen is bonded to a sp2 hybridised carbon atom
  • The light source is a 12 Volt 75 Watt Halogen lamp with an intensity of 104,000 cd.
  • urrent light source is a 120 V 1000 W, quartz halogen lamp and the power source is mains electricit
  • pm, and the light source is a 12 Volt 35 Watt Halogen lamp with an intensity of 35,050 cd.
  • nd the light source was a 120V 1000W tungsten halogen lamp with an intensity of 1,000,000 cd, visib
  • sources; D65 (Northern daylight) and a 2700 K halogen lamp, inside the pleasing region.
  • rray of lightweight solar powered 12 V quartz halogen lamps radiating two beams of 120,000 cd, and
  • ht bulbs, and compact Metal halide, Xenon and Halogen lamps, can be used.
  • Common incandescent or quartz halogen light bulbs are most often used as broadband
  • res the band performing in a studio that used halogen lighting.
  • The Carius halogen method in analytical chemistry is a method fo
  • for certain microorganisms, introduction of a halogen moiety significantly retards degradation of t
  • milar to chlorine dioxide, the dioxide of its halogen neighbor one period higher on the periodic ta
  • , and many keepers report success with simple halogen or fluorescent lighting.
  • Halogen oxoacids: Hypochlorous acid; Chlorous acid; C
  • The vinyl is etched as follows: Side A: HALOGEN REFRACTED THROUGH KERATIN, Side B: ...UNBORN
  • odine are removed from the exhaust gases by a halogen scrubber.
  • Br-) into reactive halogen species (e.g.
  • This group is able to form reactive halogen species and, as a result, natural organohalog
  • rom the ocean and oxidized to become reactive halogen species in the air.
  • thane is a hypothetical haloalkane with all 4 halogen substituents present in it.
  • Chlorine is the only halogen to form an isolable acid of formula HXO2.
  • Halogen TV (Halogen), a socially conscious television
  • the cable reality show Art Race (broadcast on Halogen TV), one of the artists attempts to stay in S
  • ated phosphates, etc., containing hydroxyl or halogen where (A)2 (XO4) Zq · xH2O
  • ion, CNO− is a pseudohalic ion, acting like a halogen with its charge and reactivity.
  • ive halogenations are more rapid, because the halogen withdraws electrons by induction and makes re
  • Thus, in a monohaloacetic acid, a single halogen would replace a hydrogen atom.