



  • The first United States help to the hard-pressed allies was the assignment of US destroyers
  • r II, the purpose of which is to preserve a hard-pressed Aragonese kingdom from imminent invasion an
  • ushing whilst providing a diversion for the hard-pressed Austrians.
  • hout sufficient force to aid Royall and his hard-pressed battalion.
  • Later on the first day of the battle, the hard-pressed battlecruisers of the I Scouting Group were
  • were rushed to the frontline to support the hard-pressed British troops.
  • The Russian troops of Bennigsen were hard-pressed by Marshal Davout in the Battle of Eylau (F
  • moved several artillery batteries from his hard-pressed centre to support Hougoumont.
  • in the winter Siege of Osaka, assisting the hard-pressed forces of Satake Yoshinobu.
  • he bulk of his forces to reinforce Thoyon's hard-pressed garrison.
  • The Germans were hard-pressed, however, and for a long time, the outcome
  • to be evacuated, choosing to return to his hard-pressed men instead.
  • Whether because his congregants were hard-pressed, or because they objected to Leavitt's symp
  • Hard-pressed sailors feeding and clothing the ragged ref
  • ublishing the Rudolphine Tables, Kepler was hard-pressed to fight off Tycho's numerous relatives.
  • verage in the tabloids, and Sir Humphrey is hard-pressed to draw his attention away from them.
  • e for the victims, even though he was often hard-pressed to provide for his own family.
  • Variety wrote that "even fanboys will be hard-pressed to engage with this quasi-martial-arts epic
  • One would be hard-pressed to find any other hardware store being wide
  • eney is quoted as saying, "I think you'd be hard-pressed to find any daylight at all between Liz's a