



  • ed through the streets on horseback amid much hooting and derision of the citizens'.
  • The call is a deep hooting BOO Boo boo boo boo becoming softer and faste
  • d, jocotoco, which is onomatopoetic after its hooting calls and song (Krabbe et al. 1999).
  • The song is a series of low, hooting notes lasting for 5 to 10 seconds.
  • It has a song similar to the hooting of the Rufous-banded Owl.
  • s usually depicted as an owl or as the unseen hooting of owls .
  • five yards in from the sideline, despite the hooting of fans who thought that it was impossible.
  • In courtship display on leks, males make hooting sounds and dance with the head extended strai
  • This species occasionally begins a bout of hooting with up to five hoots in series.
  • on shows such as Hello Goodbye, You Are Hear, Hooting Yard on the Air, and Glass Shrimp.