



  • Methyl vinyl ketone, acetoacetic ester, and diethyl-methyl-(3-oxo-
  • obemidone is so named because it is the propyl ketone analogue of bemidone (hydroxypethidine).
  • Methyl vinyl ketone and acetoacetic ester undergo aldol cyclizatio
  • intained so long as the positions of the aryl, ketone and pyrrolidinyl groups are held constant, whi
  • en further oxidized and esterified to form the ketone and acetate ester moieties seen in forskolin.
  • s a phenoxyacetic acid derivative containing a ketone and a methylene group.
  • d by Georges Darzens in 1904 from methyl nonyl ketone and ethyl chloroacetate.
  • triphenylphosphine closes the ring between the ketone and the azide to the tetrahydropyridine 12.
  • l)-acetic acid hydrazide with reduction of the ketone at the 3-position.
  • It is a hydroxy ketone attached to two phenyl groups.
  • The brain, in particular, relies heavily on ketone bodies as a substrate for lipid synthesis and
  • In the ketone bodies digestion pathway (in the tissue), it i
  • Other ketone bodies such as beta-ketopentanoate and beta-hy
  • When ketone bodies are measured by way of urine concentrat
  • Ketone bodies are relevant to neurological diseases s
  • yl-CoA is then used instead in biosynthesis of ketone bodies via acetoacyl-CoA and β-hydroxy-β-methy
  • he strip changes color indicating the level of ketone bodies detected, which reflects the degree of
  • Ketone bodies
  • The three endogenous ketone bodies are acetone, acetoacetic acid, and beta
  • Ketone bodies are produced mainly in the mitochondria
  • Like the other ketone bodies (acetoacetate and acetone), levels of b
  • It also takes a similar role in the ketone bodies synthesis pathway of the liver.
  • The ketone bodies produced in the liver can also cross th
  • e participates in synthesis and degradation of ketone bodies and butanoate metabolism.
  • usable energy, is the source of the two other ketone bodies below
  • The production of ketone bodies is then initiated to make available ene
  • In the brain, these ketone bodies are then incorporated into acetyl-CoA a
  • id is an amino acid that can be converted into ketone bodies through ketogenesis.
  • The popular dipstick used to detect ketone bodies in urine "Ketostix" by Bayer, only dete
  • mobilisation of glucose, free fatty acids and ketone bodies, which are metabolites produced in exce
  • acid metabolism, synthesis and degradation of ketone bodies, valine, leucine and isoleucine degrada
  • Besides its role in the synthesis of ketone bodies, HMG-CoA is also an intermediate in the
  • As opposed to 4-carbon ketone bodies, beta-ketopentanoate is anaplerotic, me
  • mitochondria of liver and kidney cells to the ketone bodies- acetoacetate, beta-hydroxybutyrate, an
  • etogenic amino acids, which are converted into ketone bodies.
  • vels of acetone much lower than those of other ketone bodies.
  • rom fats and lipids are transformed into three ketone bodies: acetone, acetoacetate, and D-β-hydroxy
  • Chemical structures of the three ketone bodies: acetone (top), acetoacetic acid (middl
  • cycle stalling and shifting of glucose towards ketone body production
  • The ketone body acetoacetate will slowly decarboxylate in
  • nverted to glucose as both carbon atoms in the ketone body are ultimately degraded to carbon dioxide
  • A transferase deficiency is an inborn error of ketone body utilization.
  • In alcoholic ketoacidosis, this ketone body is produced in greatest concentration.
  • nts glucose absorption and can cause unchecked ketone body production (through fatty acid metabolism
  • Acetoacetate is a ketone body, which is activated with succinyl-CoA, an
  • hydroxybutyrate or 3-hydroxybutyric acid) is a ketone body.
  • opanol, acetone, acetic acid, and methyl ethyl ketone, but insoluble in benzene, carbon tetrachlorid
  • The thioketal prepared from the ketone can be easily reduced by catalytic hydrogenati
  • azing in fields in which it grows, the perilla ketone causes pulmonary edema leading to a condition
  • four kinds of organic compounds: (i) a methyl ketone: CH3COR, acetaldehyde (CH3CHO), ethanol (CH3CH
  • ohydrin, beta-glucosyltransferase, UDP glucose ketone cyanohydrin glucosyltransferase, UDP-glucose:k
  • It is a ketone derivative of tetralin.
  • s multifunctional: it exhibits properties of a ketone, forming an oxime; an oxidant, forming the dih
  • will cleave vicinal diols into two aldehyde or ketone fragments.
  • fferentiate between water-soluble aldehyde and ketone functional groups, and as a test for monosacch
  • Butyrophenone is a chemical compound (with a ketone functional group); some of its derivatives (ca
  • containing five carbon atoms, and including a ketone functional group.
  • iones are a derivatives of piperidine with two ketone functional groups.
  • containing five carbon atoms, and including a ketone functional group.
  • membered ring containing one oxygen atom and a ketone functional group.
  • a monosaccharide with seven carbon atoms and a ketone functional group.
  • tional group in position 1 (aldotetroses) or a ketone functional group in position 2 (ketotetroses).
  • tional group in position 1 (aldoheptoses) or a ketone functional group in position 2 (ketoheptoses).
  • ting of a cyclopropane carbon framework with a ketone functional group.
  • c compound containing both carboxylic acid and ketone functionality.
  • yde group is C1; in a ketose the carbon of the ketone group has the lowest possible number (usually
  • The newly formed ketone group then forms another C-C bond by photochem
  • The ketone group is then reduced by means of zinc and amm
  • If the sugar contains a ketone group, it is a ketose and if it contains an al
  • f chemical structure only by the addition of a ketone group, to the azepine ring, and is approximate
  • Hydroxyquinones with hydroxyls adjacent to the ketone groups often exhibit intramolecular hydrogen b
  • l groups adjacent to the double bond and three ketone groups on the remaining carbon atoms.
  • The polar ketone groups in the polymer backbone of these materi
  • ation with palladium on carbon and that of the ketone groups to alcohol groups in 15 by sodium boroh
  • 2.2 includes enzymes that transfer aldehyde or ketone groups
  • A diketone is a molecule containing two ketone groups.
  • h the replacement of two hydrogen atoms by two ketone groups.
  • In organic chemistry ketone halogenation is a special type of halogenation
  • Similar chemistry yielded the six-fold ketone hexaoxotricyclobutabenzene C12O6, which happen
  • It has a terminal aldehyde group rather than a ketone in its linear chain, and so is considered part
  • sample is added to a 1% solution of Mischler's ketone in benzene or toluene.
  • PEP in that the alpha carbon is extended and a ketone is attached to the beta carbon (with the excep
  • eakdown to hydrogen cyanide and an aldehyde or ketone is catalyzed by a hydroxynitrile lyase (abbrev
  • Valerophenone, or butyl phenyl ketone, is an aromatic ketone.
  • If an α-halo ketone is used, the product is an α,β-epoxy ketone.
  • Perilla ketone is a natural terpenoid that consists of a fura
  • Michler's ketone is an organic compound with the formula of [(C
  • lohexane, the geminal diol is stable while the ketone is not.
  • the MPV reaction, oxidation of an alcohol to a ketone, is termed the Oppenauer oxidation.
  • Perilla ketone is present in the leaves and seeds of purple m
  • Michler's ketone is an intermediate in the synthesis of dyes an
  • Diabetic patients can have their ketone levels tested via urine or blood to indicate d
  • ergoes dehydration to give the α,β-unsaturated ketone, mesityl oxide: Hydrogenation of mesityl oxide
  • ldehyde monosaccharides may be called aldoses; ketone monosaccharides may be called ketoses.
  • , and O2, whereas its 4 products are aldehyde, ketone, nitrite, and H2O2.
  • It is soluble in acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, nitromethane, and methylene chloride.
  • It is soluble in acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, nitromethane, and dichloromethane.
  • s the anhydride of oxalic acid or the two-fold ketone of ethylene oxide.
  • an be regarded as butatriene dione, the double ketone of butatriene - more precisely 1,2,3-butatrien
  • Codeinone can be also described as the ketone of codeine: codein-6-on.
  • It can be viewed as a double ketone of 1,2-dioxetane (1,2-dioxacyclobutane), or a
  • trimer of carbon dioxide (CO2) or as a triple ketone of 1,3,5-trioxane (1,3,5-trioxacyclohexane).
  • c dimer of carbon dioxide (CO2) or as a double ketone of 1,3-dioxetane (1,3-dioxacyclobutane).
  • rganic compound with formula C6O6, the sixfold ketone of cyclohexane.
  • ganic compound with formula C5O5, the fivefold ketone of cyclopentane.
  • s-isomers are possible for the α,β-unsaturated ketone, only the trans isomer is observed.
  • er condensation) is the chemical reaction of a ketone or aldehyde with an α-haloester to form an α,β
  • ct (from "Aldehyde alcohol") is a beta-hydroxy ketone or aldehyde, and is the product of aldol addit
  • acetone, (or phenyl-2-propanone, benzyl methyl ketone or methyl benzyl ketone.
  • The reaction product is a ketone or an aldehyde.
  • , oximes can be used for the identification of ketone or aldehyde.
  • oxidation is the oxidation of an alcohol to a ketone or an aldehyde using chromium trioxide and pyr
  • d by deprotonation of a C-H bond adjacent to a ketone or aldehyde.
  • Reaction of a carbazide with aldehyde or ketone produces a carbazone.
  • cidosis, the body fails to adequately regulate ketone production causing such a severe accumulation
  • The oxazaborolidine was first developed as a ketone reducing agent by the laboratory of Itsuno, an
  • e 1, prostaglandin 9-ketoreductase, xenobiotic ketone reductase, NADPH-dependent carbonyl reductase,
  • ETN dissolves readily in acetone and other ketone solvents though for the purpose of recrystalli
  • It is a cyclic ketone, structurally similar to cyclopentane, consist
  • The Blaise-Maire reaction is the Blaise ketone synthesis using β-hydroxy acid chlorides to gi
  • The Blaise ketone synthesis is the chemical reaction of acid chl
  • er with Steven Nahm, he discovered the Weinreb ketone synthesis, which allows for mono-addition of a
  • to form Weinreb amides for use in the Weinreb ketone synthesis.
  • e specifically the compound is also a bicyclic ketone terpene.
  • methylconhydrone is N-methyl-2-piperidyl ethyl ketone, that DL-conhydrine (mp.
  • The ketone then undergoes Wolff rearrangement to ketene 6
  • ction of 1,3-dinitrobenzene with an enolizable ketone to the Meisenheimer adduct.
  • like Darzens, involves converting methyl nonyl ketone to its glycidate by allowing it to react with
  • ks include the formation of an α,β-unsaturated ketone via aldol condensation and hydroxylysinonorleu
  • oteworthy that levels of beta-thujone, a toxic ketone, were 9.8%, 12.5% and 12.1% in the respective
  • mistry, a selone is the structural analog of a ketone where selenium replaces oxygen.
  • Piperitone is a natural monoterpene ketone which is a component of some essential oils.
  • ties of padimate O resemble those of Michler's ketone which is considered photocarcinogenic in rats
  • 6H4]2CS, is prepared by treatment of Michler's ketone with hydrogen sulfide in the presence of acid
  • quinone or cyclohexa-3,5-diene-1,2-dione, is a ketone, with formula C6H4O2.
  • It consists of a 15-membered ring ketone with one methyl substituent in the 3-position.
  • ynthesized by condensation of an aldehyde or a ketone with hydroxylamine.