



  • mphocytic infiltration and enlargement of the lacrimal and salivary glands.
  • air, whiskers, teeth, as well as the mammary, lacrimal, and salivary glands.
  • the skull (premaxilla, maxilla, and possible lacrimal and postorbital bones), the anterior part of
  • (c) the nerve supply of lacrimal apparatus done by carotid plexuse of nerves a
  • The lacrimal apparatus is the physiologic system containin
  • Included are the eyebrow, eyelids, and lacrimal apparatus.
  • The anterior communicates with the lacrimal artery by means of small branches which perfo
  • (b) the lacrimal canaliculi, the lacrimal sac, and the nasolac
  • The lacrimal canaliculi, one in each eyelid, commence at m
  • The lacrimal canaliculi, also known as the lacrimal canals
  • It connects the lacrimal canaliculi, which drain tears from the eye's
  • a may be traced, through the nasolacrimal and lacrimal ducts; and with the frontal, ethmoidal, sphen
  • p, including a deeply notched squamosal and a lacrimal flexure, while supposedly exhibiting none of
  • ng rate to cooling produced by evaporation of lacrimal fluid 'tears' and thereby to elicit a reflex
  • The lateral margin of the lacrimal fossa is named the anterior lacrimal crest, a
  • Lacrimal gland
  • They will travel to the lacrimal gland via the lacrimal nerve.
  • Another type of accessory lacrimal gland are Krause's glands, which are smaller,
  • n some animals it acts as an accessory to the lacrimal gland, secreting fluid that eases movement of
  • (a) the lacrimal gland, which secretes the tears, and its excr
  • Alveoli of lacrimal gland.
  • , although a smaller volume of tears than the lacrimal gland.
  • Ciaccio's glands are small tubular accessory lacrimal glands (glandulae lacrimales accessoriae) fou
  • Krause's glands are small, mucous accessory lacrimal glands that are found underneath the eyelid w
  • Yet this is a myth: Crocodiles possess lacrimal glands which secrete a proteinaceous fluid, j
  • Increase protein content of secretions from lacrimal glands.
  • hey function to collect tears produced by the lacrimal glands.
  • rontal process of the maxilla in front of the lacrimal groove.
  • The volume of the lacrimal lake has been estimated to be between 7 and 1
  • The lacrimal lake is the pool of tears in the lower conjun
  • o become more loose which in turn enables the lacrimal lake to hold even more fluid.
  • Although the lacrimal lake usually contains 7-10 µL of tears, the m
  • erve; a branch of the maxillary nerve, to the lacrimal nerve; a branch of the ophthalmic nerve.
  • The lacrimal papilla is an elevation located on the medial
  • layer of striped muscle, continuous with the lacrimal part of the Orbicularis oculi; at the base of
  • ament, and its deep surface is crossed by the lacrimal part of the Orbicularis oculi, which is attac
  • Behind the lacrimal process of the inferior nasal conchae lies a
  • There are two lacrimal puncta in the medial (inside) portion of each
  • Imperforate lacrimal puncta can be corrected by surgical opening o
  • Dogs normally have two lacrimal puncta, the superior and inferior.
  • An imperforate lacrimal punctum is a congenital disorder of dogs invo
  • A close up of a lacrimal punctum.
  • The Lacrimal Sac also drains the eye of any debris, bacter
  • The lacrimal sac is the upper dilated end of the nasolacri
  • ainly for high amounts of tears, in which the lacrimal sac pumps inward and outward driven by the or
  • se with the infraorbital; after supplying the lacrimal sac and Orbicularis oculi, it ends by anastom
  • As the ligament crosses the lacrimal sac, a strong aponeurotic lamina is given off
  • The fluid is conveyed to the lacrimal sac, and thence via the nasolacrimal duct to
  • after giving a twig to the upper part of the lacrimal sac, divides into two branches.
  • Crossing the lacrimal sac, it divides into two parts, upper and low
  • nds, and then runs almost horizontally to the lacrimal sac.
  • le, and passes medialward and downward to the lacrimal sac.
  • nchial fistulas or cysts, malformed ears, and lacrimal stenosis.