



  • ide of Rome was given by the pope to cardinal legates a latere, nuncios, inter-nuncios and Apostoli
  • and assisted the missionary work of the papal legates among the Bogumils of Bosnia.
  • The legates and patriarchs gathered in the imperial palac
  • was appointed as one of Honorius III's papal legates, and was escorted back to his see in Acre by
  • theless, the Holy See continued to send papal legates, and the first permanent Apostolic Nuncio in
  • 241 (also captured by Frederick II were three legates and several archbishops and bishops).
  • th Council of Constantinople (869), the Roman legates asserted the place of the bishop of Rome's ho
  • iarchs would be brought up again by the Papal Legates at the Council of Chalcedon.
  • e in the divorce proceedings before the papal legates Cardinal Wolsey and Cardinal Campeggio, and i
  • In 1074 the papal legates Gerald of Ostia and Hubert of Palestrina put
  • y, was present at a council attended by papal legates in 786.
  • The pope's right to send legates into the peninsular realm was accepted, but t
  • shows the image of one of the most important legates left by the primitive people that inhabited t
  • Spanish army of Pompey the Great, led by his legates Lucius Afranius and Marcus Petreius.
  • Visigothic kings had officially ruled only as legates of the Roman Emperor but Euric was the first
  • Its situation induced the legates of Pompey in Spain to make it the key of thei
  • erbury from 1222 to 1415, and of the cardinal legates Otho and Othobonus.
  • On the return of the legates, the documents they brought were received wit
  • The pope also ordered Rotta and other papal legates to hide and shelter Jews.
  • For they sent legates to ask for peace, that there might be perpetu
  • ally, Roger of Carcassonne, to whom the papal legates took great offence.
  • One of its cardinal legates was Reginald Pole, around whom there grew up
  • m all, that they should make peace, and their legates went back and afterwards called together the
  • In Scotland the legates were even detained for some time due to their
  • n the Pope, and in the storm which ensued the legates were glad to escape with their lives, and the
  • he pope at once accepted the appeal, and sent legates with letters to Africa to investigate the mat