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  • It was the last and largest of four minor lunar eclipses in 2009.
  • Saros cycle series 106 for lunar eclipses occurs at the moon's ascending node,
  • This eclipse is the one of four lunar eclipses in a short-lived series.
  • Saros cycle series 140 for lunar eclipses occurs at the moon's ascending node,
  • Saros cycle series 102 for lunar eclipses occurs at the moon's ascending node,
  • Saros cycle series 119 for lunar eclipses occurs at the moon's descending node,
  • Saros cycle series 121 for lunar eclipses occurs at the moon's descending node.
  • This eclipse is the one of four lunar eclipses in a short-lived series at the ascend
  • The series contains 29 total lunar eclipses between 1560 and 2021.
  • Saros cycle series 149 for lunar eclipses occurs at the moon's descending node,
  • Saros cycle series 111 for lunar eclipses occurs at the moon's descending node,
  • Saros cycle series 135 for lunar eclipses occurs at the moon's descending node,
  • Saros cycle series 142 for lunar eclipses occurs at the moon's ascending node,
  • Saros cycle series 115 for lunar eclipses occurs at the moon's descending node,
  • Saros cycle series 158 for lunar eclipses occurs at the moon's ascending node,
  • Saros cycle series 137 for lunar eclipses occurs at the moon's descending node,
  • Saros cycle series 154 for lunar eclipses occurs at the moon's ascending node,
  • Saros cycle series 127 for lunar eclipses occurs at the moon's descending node,
  • Saros cycle series 143 for lunar eclipses occurs at the moon's descending node,
  • Saros cycle series 141 for lunar eclipses occurs at the moon's descending node,
  • ngs to Saros series 138, and is the 29th of 83 lunar eclipses in the series.
  • Saros cycle series 151 for lunar eclipses occurs at the moon's descending node,
  • Lunar eclipses occurring near the Moon's descending
  • Saros cycle series 126 for lunar eclipses occurs at the moon's ascending node,
  • Saros cycle series 138 for lunar eclipses occurs at the moon's ascending node,
  • Saros cycle series 131 for lunar eclipses occurs at the moon's descending node,
  • This eclipse is the center of five lunar eclipses in a short-lived series.
  • Saros cycle series 148 for lunar eclipses occurs at the moon's ascending node,
  • This eclipse is the one of four lunar eclipses in a short-lived series at the descen
  • Saros cycle series 123 for lunar eclipses occurs at the moon's descending node,
  • Saros cycle series 122 for lunar eclipses occurs at the moon's ascending node,
  • Saros cycle series 145 for lunar eclipses occurs at the moon's descending node,
  • Solar and lunar eclipses are not observed every month because
  • Saros cycle series 155 for lunar eclipses occurs at the moon's descending node,
  • Saros cycle series 163 for lunar eclipses occurs at the moon's descending node,
  • his eclipse is the third of four Metonic cycle lunar eclipses on the same date, May 15-16, each sep
  • Saros cycle series 104 for lunar eclipses occurs at the moon's ascending node,
  • Saros cycle series 110 for lunar eclipses occurs at the moon's ascending node,
  • This is the 16th of 26 total lunar eclipses in series 125.
  • Saros cycle series 159 for lunar eclipses occurs at the moon's descending node,
  • Saros cycle series 150 for lunar eclipses occurs at the moon's ascending node,
  • Saros cycle series 147 for lunar eclipses occurs at the moon's descending node,
  • Saros cycle series 118 for lunar eclipses occurs at the moon's ascending node,
  • This eclipse is the one of five lunar eclipses in a short-lived series.
  • Saros cycle series 112 for lunar eclipses occurs at the moon's ascending node,
  • Saros cycle series 103 for lunar eclipses occurs at the moon's ascending node,
  • This eclipse is the one of four lunar eclipses in a short-lived series at the ascend
  • Saros cycle series 128 for lunar eclipses occurs at the moon's ascending node,
  • Saros cycle series 144 for lunar eclipses occurs at the moon's ascending node,
  • d a mechanical instrument to predict solar and lunar eclipses as seen from Paris.
  • Saros cycle series 130 for lunar eclipses occurs at the moon's ascending node,
  • Saros cycle series 101 for lunar eclipses occurs at the moon's ascending node,
  • The times reported for lunar eclipses (which are seen simultaneously) are m
  • n a one-month period, with two minor penumbral lunar eclipses, first on July 7 and last on August 6
  • It contains 84 member lunar eclipses, each separated by 18 years 11 and 1/
  • leomedes is accurate in some of his remarks on lunar eclipses, especially his conjecture that the s
  • compilation of over 13000 (8000 Solar and 5200 Lunar) eclipses, including all solar and all umbral
  • rom 1000 to 2500 and beyond) are central total lunar eclipses.
  • f solar eclipses, and later another catalog of lunar eclipses.
  • lists also contain information about solar and lunar eclipses.
  • 955 as Periodicity and Variation of Solar (and Lunar) Eclipses.
  • a method of determining longitude by means of lunar eclipses.
  • include Arthodayam, Mahodayam, days of solar & lunar eclipses.
  • This is the third of five Metonic lunar eclipses.
  • in this series listed below and more are total lunar eclipses.
  • ar Eclipses: 1986-2035 and Fifty Year Canon of Lunar Eclipses: 1986-2035.
  • the maximum possible), included four penumbral lunar eclipses: January 21, June 17, July 16, and De
  • a is a binding or yoking together of solar and lunar energies.
  • yllables "ha" and "tha" representing solar and lunar energies.
  • Lunar Energy reports a 15%-25% improvement over the
  • ions like Odyssey Moon Limited, the commercial lunar enterprise that makes up this team.
  • Moon Limited, an Isle of Man based commercial lunar enterprise and the first official contender in
  • E M Standish (1998), JPL Planetary and Lunar Ephemerides, DE405/LE405, Jet Propulsion Labor
  • It is located near the lunar equator on the far side of the Moon from the E
  • The tunnel, which has been discovered near the lunar equator, is an empty volcanic tube, measuring
  • ns were located within about 10 degrees of the lunar equator.
  • the Moon, NASA also studied a number of simple Lunar Escape Systems as a means of returning two ast
  • Lunar: Eternal Blue
  • een possible; and our current understanding of lunar evolution would not have been possible."
  • gyrfalcon) is a space suit model developed for lunar excursion during the Soviet manned lunar progr
  • ey's guitar to NASA's Apollo Space Capsule and Lunar Excursion Module.
  • The Energia Lunar Expedition was a project that was initiated by
  • In general, their plan for a lunar expedition involved the use of a flotilla of s
  • rom the Moon: Apollo Astronauts Describe Their Lunar Experiences (2009)
  • fied version of it was used in the U.S. Apollo lunar exploration program.
  • yuan is now the chief scientist of the Chinese Lunar Exploration Program (CLEP), also known as the
  • most prominent supporter of the Chinese manned lunar exploration program, and also lobbies for the
  • Autobot Micromaster combiner who turns into a lunar exploration vehicle when combined with Heave.
  • The unmanned lunar exploration mission includes a lunar orbiter a
  • 67 to 1971, Scherer was director of the Apollo Lunar Exploration Office, responsible for scientific
  • He was the first chairman of NASA's Lunar Exploration Committee, which established the s
  • See also: Chinese Lunar Exploration Program
  • Nova rocket, should a direct landing method of lunar exploration have been chosen by NASA for the A
  • My source is the book "Soviet and Russian Lunar Exploration" by Brian Harvey.
  • uz 7K onto a circumlunar trajectory for manned Lunar exploration, and the Soyuz 7K-P into a higher
  • yuz-A onto a circumlunar trajectory for manned Lunar exploration, and the Soyuz-P into a higher orb
  • and scientific equipment for 14 days' extended lunar exploration.
  • e 1940) is a Russian astronomer specialized in lunar exploration.
  • manufacture of space suits for future American lunar exploration.
  • The European Lunar Explorer (ELE) or European Lunar Lander (ELL)
  • They now plan to steal a highly secret robotic Lunar Explorer and sell it to both the Chinese and R
  • patch of moonscape at Spectacle Crater on the lunar farside.
  • He was the first to assign names to various lunar features, but few of these names were widely a
  • ademies to build a collated list of all of the lunar features.
  • o play the first date in Fresno so Tony Kim of Lunar Fiction filled in on that date only.
  • Under the guidance of the International Lunar Finance Commission, on 2 July 1981 the Space D
  • The novel opens with a lunar find by the Apollo 17 astronauts, which is sup
  • With the exception of the lunar flights of the Apollo program, all human space
  • e part of NASA, with termination of the Apollo lunar flights in 1972 with Apollo 17.
  • een a test of a spacecraft intended for manned Lunar flights, however they were unsure whether it w
  • Cactus, Sweet-scented Cactus, Vanilla Cactus, Lunar Flower, Large Blooming Cereus, Large flowered
  • 7K-L3 is based on both the unmanned Zond 7K-L1 lunar flyby vehicle and the first-generation Soyuz 7
  • commercial companies are intending to use the Lunar flyby trajectory option to correct the orbital
  • want a customer to prove to insurers that the lunar flyby option would have resulted in a commerci
  • king orbit to make scientific studies during a lunar flyby and to return to Earth.
  • act, proving that it was possible to survive a lunar flyby and safely return to Earth.
  • 11L&12L -Manned lunar flybys -Oct 67
  • 7L&8L -Manned lunar flybys -Aug 67 (7L actually launched on April
  • When a fog bow appears at night it is called a lunar fog bow.
  • Aldrin's lunar footprint in a photo taken by him on July 20,
  • roduced a two volume set in 1935, titled Named Lunar Formations, that became the standard reference
  • Shukla paksha refers to the bright lunar fortnight or waxing moon in the Hindu calendar
  • Ekadasi, the eleventh day of every lunar fortnight, is very auspicious to the Hindus.
  • ight or sandhya kala on the Trayodashi of both lunar fortnights (Shukla and Krishna Paksha).
  • cumlunar trajectory, Trans-Lunar trajectory or Lunar free return is a type of free return trajector
  • thousand years before the events of the first Lunar game, Lunar: The Silver Star, and centers on J
  • Unlike previous Lunar games that took a strategy-based approach to c
  • case of the Moon, this is more often known as lunar gardening.
  • The Copernican Period in the lunar geologic timescale runs from approximately 1.1
  • In the lunar geologic timescale, the Early Imbrian epoch oc
  • The Eratosthenian period in the lunar geologic timescale runs from 3,200 million yea
  • zed fields of extraterrestrial geology include lunar geology, the study of earth's moon, and astrog
  • He was co-editor for A Primer in Lunar Geology, Multi-Ring Basins, and Geological Imp
  • He commissioned the construction of a lunar globe with one side in physical relief and the
  • Science Museum: Lunar globes
  • Experiments will measure lunar gravitational and magnetic fields.
  • nsive studies on the shape and strength of the lunar gravitational field and the locations of the m
  • Luna 19 extended the systematic study of lunar gravitational fields and location of mascons (
  • it returned tracking data indicating that the lunar gravitational field caused larger than expecte
  • design used gravity gradient booms, the lumpy lunar gravity field made for some interesting proble
  • , grew to be abnormally tall due to the lesser lunar gravity, looking like a full grown adult at th
  • on to planets and stars, and such phenomena as lunar haloes and crowns.
  • entine's images were taken during the northern lunar hemisphere's summer season and were unable to
  • Maps of Lunar Hemispheres
  • Maps of Lunar Hemispheres, 1:10000000, D. Reidel, Dordrecht,
  • dal clocks are set for the time when the local lunar high tide occurs.
  • ; specifically, it appears to be a fragment of lunar highland breccia.
  • rom the highly anorthositic composition of the lunar highland crust, as well as the existence of KR
  • ock, rarely found on Earth, but present in the lunar highlands, leading to the conclusion that the
  • d principally anorthosite rock, typical of the lunar highlands.
  • features in the Descartes region of the rugged lunar highlands.
  • Lunar Hijri calendar (Islamic calendar)
  • It is named after the star of lunar host.
  • Lunar Hypnosis handed out 8.5 points out of 10. "Wit
  • Tsander is a large lunar impact crater on the far side of the Moon.
  • Abenezra is a lunar impact crater located in the rugged highlands
  • Earth-crossing orbits, and also increased the lunar impact rate.
  • Bridgman is a lunar impact crater that is located on the far side
  • Brunner is a lunar impact crater that is located along the easter
  • Ctesibius is a small lunar impact crater that is located near the equator
  • Born is a small lunar impact crater located near the eastern edge of
  • Azophi is a lunar impact crater that lies in the rugged south-ce
  • r Aryabhata (see picture), is the remnant of a lunar impact crater located in the eastern Mare Tran
  • Barbier is a lunar impact crater that is located on the southern
  • Ching-Te is a tiny lunar impact crater located in a mountainous area to
  • Dalton is a lunar impact crater that is located near the western
  • Bliss is small lunar impact crater that is located just to the west
  • Naumann is a lunar impact crater located on the Oceanus Procellar
  • Atwood is a small lunar impact crater that is located on the Mare Fecu
  • Davisson is a lunar impact crater that is located on the far side
  • Bessarion is a lunar impact crater located near the southwest edge
  • Couder is a small lunar impact crater that is located just behind the
  • Bayer is a lunar impact crater located in the southwest section
  • Baade is a lunar impact crater that is located near the southwe
  • Bergman is a small lunar impact crater that is located on the far side
  • Alder is a lunar impact crater that is located in the southern
  • Andronov is a small lunar impact crater that lies across the southwest r
  • Ball is a lunar impact crater that is located in the rugged so
  • Amundsen is a large lunar impact crater located near the south pole of t
  • De Roy is a lunar impact crater that is located on the far side
  • Birt is a lunar impact crater located in the eastern half of t
  • Back is a small lunar impact crater that is located near the eastern
  • Beals is a lunar impact crater that is located near the eastern
  • Anderson is a lunar impact crater that is located on the far side
  • Bosch is a small lunar impact crater near the North Pole of the Moon.
  • Cai Lun is a lunar impact crater located on the lunar far side ne
  • Lovelace is a lunar impact crater that is located on the far side
  • Barringer is a lunar impact crater that is located on the southern
  • ectly identified that it had been an attempted Lunar impact mission, however they incorrectly belie
  • Boethius is a small lunar impact crater located on the east edge of Mare
  • Chaucer is a lunar impact crater that is located to the west of t
  • Babakin is a small lunar impact crater that is located in the southern
  • Bettinus is a lunar impact crater located near the southwest limb.
  • Boss is a lunar impact crater that is located along the northe
  • Carmichael is a lunar impact crater that is located along the easter
  • Ammonius is a bowl-shaped lunar impact crater with a slightly raised rim.
  • Amici is a lunar impact crater that is located on the rugged fa
  • Airy is a lunar impact crater located in the southern highland
  • Adams is a lunar impact crater that is located in the rugged so
  • Delporte is a lunar impact crater on the Moon's far side.
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