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  • g herself and in a state of concentration or meditation, a man entered the room without warning and
  • piritual journey to Jerusalem, or 'peace' in meditation, a gift which is also its own giver, Christ.
  • wed that a lifestyle regimen featuring Yoga, meditation, a low-fat vegan diet, smoking cessation, an
  • e its beginning, the emphasis of DDMBA is on meditation activity and promoting Ch'an practice in the
  • during which there is usually quiet time for meditation, after which the children perform or show so
  • "Prayer from the Heart", a meditation album, was released by Polyglobe Music Austr
  • Meditation: An Introductory Guide to Relaxation for Min
  • There, while he was immersed deep in meditation, an old man appeared and asked him to open h
  • ded attending inter-faith services, teaching meditation, and giving lectures on Buddhism.
  • They saw this work as part of their meditation and mindfulness practice, not apart from it.
  • s the inward disciplines of prayer, fasting, meditation, and study in the Christian life, the outwar
  • ng a pilgrimage to India in 1992, he studied meditation and was given the name "Sahaj".
  • ttachment), dharana (concentration), dhyana ( meditation), and samadhi (realization of the true Self
  • religion and philosophy, started to practice meditation and eventually converted to Buddhism.
  • ing the exercise of these graces, by serious meditation, and fervent prayer."
  • of unique Buddhist course in Loving Kindness Meditation and periodically offers Mastering Breath Awa
  • into the chakra located in the "heart", for meditation and worship.
  • latter days were chiefly devoted to reading, meditation, and prayer."
  • s still used by Kabbalists today for prayer, meditation and Yeshiva study.
  • DMBA set its characteristic with emphasis on meditation and practice in daily life.
  • He originally titled it Medea's Meditation and Dance of Vengeance, but shortly before h
  • Compare the meditation and mindfulness exercises of Ishvara-Pranidh
  • He began teaching Tibetan language, meditation and religious studies as a professor at the
  • became a venture capitalist and lecturer on meditation and self-awareness.
  • onally rigorous training methods integrating meditation and koan practice.
  • the Woods is a chapel constructed mainly for meditation and prayer.
  • Sadhus and Sufis use Bhang to boost meditation and to achieve transcendental states.
  • He used to spend almost the whole day in meditation and Puja.
  • volved in ongoing dialogue between Buddhism, meditation and neuroscience.
  • Meditation and Judaism: Exploring the Jewish Meditative
  • 1994 founded the Institute for the Study of Meditation and Psychotherapy.
  • meditation and imitation of the sentiments found in scr
  • ation, she begins to follow Buddhism through meditation and use of elaborate costume jewelry.
  • ng Tzu have also alluded to the technique of meditation and encouraging circulation of energy throug
  • tradition emphasizes on its founders tantric meditation and Phowa practices.
  • lyrics described a way of calming oneself in meditation and slowing down from the fast pace of moder
  • ition and values worldwide through teaching, meditation, and community service.
  • This is also awakened and illuminated by the meditation and one-pointed concentration on it with the
  • Music For Yoga Meditation And Other Joys CD (1968) Verve 835 371-2
  • to lead an all-women's retreat for Buddhist meditation and instruction.
  • emonstrative negation of the value of formal meditation and rituals.
  • ve healing practices such as Reiki, massage, meditation, and Yoga.
  • s instructed by the 14th Dalai Lama to teach meditation and Buddhism in 1964 and also instructed by
  • She is ever engrossed in God's name and meditation, and she embodies all holy places.
  • convinced him to teach the practices of Zen meditation and to start a Buddhist study group on the c
  • peaceful gathering of individuals focused on meditation and love.
  • ning in various practices including fasting, meditation and trance.
  • ch Station a reading from Scripture, a short meditation, and a prayer.
  • hieved through prolonged periods of solitary meditation and spiritual nurturing and intensive reiter
  • e one of the three most important centres of meditation and retreat in Central Tibet.
  • ng now provides a setting for worship, quiet meditation and many other events in College life.
  • built at sites where he lived and engaged in meditation and other sadhanas.
  • self-medicine through movement, relaxation, meditation, and various forms of physical and psycholog
  • its cross-legged, with eyes downcast in deep meditation, and a halo around his head.
  • ingma School Of Tibetan Buddhism, Masters Of Meditation And Miracles, Marvelous Garland Of Rare Gems
  • risoners were tortured, today it serves as a meditation and healing center to promote spiritual grow
  • around the world come to learn and practice meditation, and to relax within the beauty of the land.
  • rd Jimmy Welsh, who have converted it into a meditation and spiritual center for healing.
  • k and Peter Frank, that serves as a place of meditation and power.
  • irector of the World Community for Christian Meditation, and as a proponent of peace and inter-relig
  • Brown learned the basic Transcendental Meditation and an advanced technique called the TM-Sidh
  • nd Ownby agree that individual time spent in meditation and reading Zhuan Falun is seen as more impo
  • that state for the coming years, practising meditation and singing devotional bhajans.
  • etreats for yoga therapy, Thai yoga therapy, meditation and advanced training lasting from three to
  • he two asanas traditionally used for dhyana ( meditation) and pranayama (breath) exercises.
  • tific Research on Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Program: Collected Papers.
  • p relations, counseling psychology, Buddhist meditation, and nonviolent activism.
  • gong, is any of a set of Chinese breathing, meditation and spiritual practice disciplines associate
  • articles on telepathy, parapsychology, color meditation and healing in various Pakistani newspapers
  • rate many visualizations/imaginations during meditation, and most of the elaborate tantric art can b
  • Devotion, meditation and worship are essential."
  • in the case of monastery gardens, for silent meditation and prayer.
  • Phil's interest in meditation and spirituality led him to personalize what
  • purpose is to exist as a retreat for “rest, meditation, and the renewal of the spiritual life.”
  • taluk, Uttar Pradesh, India) is a teacher of meditation and neo-India centric philosophy styled The
  • Twilight Language: Explorations in Buddhist Meditation and Symbolism is a 1986 book by Roderick Buc
  • such as the Yamas and Niyamas, the Mind and Meditation, and Right-Living.
  • e could live the rest of her life in prayer, meditation, and devotion to God.
  • cashire to live a life of passionate intense meditation and contemplation and began writing poetry.
  • Siddharameshwar Maharaj was a master of meditation and spent time understanding nature and eter
  • tortions that can arise during the course of meditation and can be mistaken by the practitioner as "
  • Forty years he spent in study and silent meditation, and allegedly eventually he found himself i
  • The sect emphasised sitting meditation, and later "silent illumination" techniques.
  • April 24th-29th, 2007: Meditation and Mantra with Kausthub Desikachar
  • He sought his path in life through meditation and learning, in deep prayer, and in apostol
  • She was the muse of meditation and practice.
  • After a twelve-year period of deep meditation and other spiritual practices Ajit Kumar att
  • 1968: Music for Yoga Meditation and Other Joys (Verve Records)
  • It is now a Buddhist meditation and retreat centre.
  • There is a weekly program of meditation and Buddhist courses plus weekend courses, p
  • em is based directly upon his experiences of meditation and feels that no individual philosophical s
  • the space will be strictly meant for private meditation and contemplation.
  • hes were burned in the Middle Ages, is now a meditation and spiritual center attracting visitors fro
  • Ayurveda, which incorporates massage, yoga, meditation and herbal remedies (herbalism).
  • inds of yoga postures, breathing techniques, meditation, and ways of relaxation, with the aid of a c
  • Meditation and yoga are taught to children, alongside m
  • Has an interest in meditation and nutritional supplements.
  • ddis or supernatural powers through rigorous meditation and other spiritual exercises.
  • he Yogic tradition is an elaborate system of meditation and astral projection and most other Chino-T
  • for example an Owl and the Scales represent Meditation and Justice, against which recline two winge
  • a Consciousness, Scientology, Transcendental meditation, and others.
  • stery include the basic practices of sitting meditation and chanting, walking meditation, eating in
  • as the Basic Methods, Three Stages of Ch'an Meditation, and Eight Form Meditation, taught by Master
  • t always includes a balanced spiritual life: meditation and prayer, service, spiritual study and int
  • s a nonsectarian view of 'Buddhism, Culture, Meditation, and Life.' Presented are teachings from the
  • His wisdom is born of spiritual study, meditation and, as he says “a wealth of hard knocks… I'
  • "Only the minds born of meditation are free from karmic impressions."
  • t of all religions, he emphasizes prayer and meditation as the true building blocks for achieving pe
  • Meditation as Medicine: Activate the Power of Your Natu
  • aid to be derived from vim, spirit and dhya, meditation, as being the spot consecrated by rishis obs
  • rigorous activity, so he engaged in Buddhist meditation as a form of relaxation, an unusual leisurel
  • these practices form the complete method of meditation as prescribed by Surat Shabd Yoga within San
  • various techniques for yoga, pranayama, and meditation, as well as quotations from respected teache
  • dent and his open practice of transcendental meditation; as a result, Casey appeared as the more soc
  • Classes often include elements of meditation, as well.
  • adhi refers to a specific type of dhyana, or meditation, as a "seedless meditation".
  • position of the Dhyana Mudra, the posture of meditation associated with his first Enlightenment, als
  • The applicants were religious or meditation associations belonging to the Osho movement.
  • Gedun Gyatso died deep in meditation at the age of 67 in 1542.
  • America, "The Syracuse Zen Center also leads meditation at Syracuse University, Syracuse area school
  • He used to spend hours and hours in meditation at beaches of Tamil land in South India.
  • He also studied Theravadan meditation at that country.
  • and natural product advertisements; narrated meditation audios; written a book; and done extensive c
  • ayest all the three worlds and undoest one's meditation, austerities and restraint.
  • he has written widely on topics ranging from meditation, Balinese people and is an advocate against
  • It depicts a man in sober meditation battling with a powerful internal struggle.
  • ant time he spent in spiritual exercises and meditation between preaching.
  • The meditation bill was modeled after similar legislation p
  • telle on "Dies Irae", Djebel Bani (A Saharan Meditation), Blue Phantom, Piano Sonata No. 6 (Sonata-F
  • ks, continuing to visit prisons and teaching meditation both at his monastery and Warwick University
  • ctices, including prayer, religious rituals, meditation, breathing exercises, physical exercise, sex
  • is one of the Five Dhyani Buddhas (or "Five Meditation Buddhas") of Vajrayana or Tantric Buddhism.
  • This is normally first done during zazen meditation, but should ideally be mastered, so that it
  • Parvati set in meditation, but even after ages passed Shiva's meditati
  • This book is a meditation by one poet about another poet, so it probab
  • his portrait was painted in the attitude of meditation by Protogenes, who is known to have been sti
  • Inspired by God, you found confirmed your meditation by practice and prayer; wherefore you became
  • ow) is a 1971 book on spirituality, yoga and meditation by the Western born yogi and spiritual teach
  • his experiences in jail and his interest in meditation, called The I Chong: Meditations From The Jo
  • nd eyes and a thousand hands, Oezerphug, the meditation cave of Lingpa's son, Dawa Gyeltsen and the
  • Presently, there is an underground meditation cave at the Kayavarohana temple used for sec
  • The Tselha Namsum meditation caves near Gyamda are associated with her.
  • less grapes and a number of ancient Buddhist meditation caves nearby containing frescos.
  • sists of a monastery and a number of ancient meditation caves that used to house about 300 monks.
  • He founded the International Buddhist Meditation Center in the Koreatown section of Los Angel
  • d presently Head Lama of the Tibetan Nyingma Meditation Center and Nyingma Institute in Berkeley; La
  • Juris Rubenis is a schoolar of Switzerland Meditation Center via Integralis/Lassalle Kontemplation
  • ounded the Phuong Boi (Fragrant Palm Leaves) Meditation Center in the highlands of Vietnam
  • Cambridge Zen Center is an urban meditation center in Cambridge, Massachusetts close to
  • She sometimes teaches at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, California.
  • ifornia with the intention of establishing a meditation center there.
  • and in January 2004, founded the New Dharma Meditation Center specific serving as teacher and spiri
  • 1996, he was a teacher at the Minnesota Zen Meditation Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and at the
  • Minnesota Zen Meditation Center was formed when the founding head tea
  • d, he was elected abbot of Dharma Drum Ch'an meditation center in Queens, New York and Dharma Drum R
  • He is the director of the Sufi Meditation Center and author of The Healing Power of Su
  • ipassana teachers' collective at Spirit Rock Meditation Center.
  • Yoga and Meditation Center: The above center is located in "Tuls
  • He helped establish meditation centers all over Burma as well as in Sri Lan
  • recorded talks; oversees temples, retreats, meditation centers, and monastic communities bearing th
  • grams held weekly at Siddha Yoga ashrams and meditation centers.
  • st is a direct offshoot of the International Meditation Centre of Rangoon, Burma, which was founded
  • gyu Buddhism Cheshire , and Odiyana Buddhist Meditation Centre which provides classes in Buddhism th
  • During his time there the first Christian meditation centre was formed and Freeman helped to esta
  • e Loden established the Peaceful Land of Joy Meditation Centre in Yuroke, Victoria, and has written
  • Buddhist center, Kampo Gangra Drubgyud Ling meditation centre in Toronto, Canada.
  • ns; in 1977, he established Tushita Mahayana Meditation Centre, New Delhi; and in 1989, Kurukulla Ce
  • Karar Ashram, Kriyayoga Teaching & Meditation Centre, Puri
  • e which was later re-named Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre.
  • There are six International Meditation Centres organized by the Burmese branch of s
  • practice Goenka's Vipassana technique at the meditation centres, they agree to refrain from practici
  • The sacred meditation chamber lies behind it.
  • e 7th century by Songsten Gampo who used its meditation chamber.
  • A meditation chapel with paintings by Jack Garnier of the
  • g (as taught by Sheikh Ahmad Dede), Buddhist Meditation, Christian Lent and Jewish Shabbat.
  • ernicious new age pedant in her introductory meditation class.
  • The Centre encourages those who attend meditation classes to also go on Buddhist retreats; two
  • for work in prisons, where they run yoga and meditation classes through substance mis-use, anger man
  • Although there are also separate Ch'an Meditation classes held, it is also emphasised that Gon
  • Meditation, classic and contemporary perspectives.
  • Meditation, cleaning premises and study are integral pa
  • Meditation: Commonsense Directions for an Uncommon Life
  • o best-selling books and oversees the Tergar Meditation Community, a global network of Buddhist medi
  • "Name", or "Word", is a meditation concentrating on breath.
  • No One Was Killed: Documentation and Meditation: Convention Week, Chicago--August 1968 (Chic
  • Dharma Drum Mountain organization, including meditation counselor in Nung Chan Monastery at Taiwan,
  • A meditation course typically meets on the third Sunday o
  • ad attended one of the first Kopan Monastery meditation courses in Nepal began to meet at a house in
  • Amaravati's retreat centre provides frequent meditation courses for lay people.
  • dhist-inspired monthly magazine of Buddhism, meditation, culture, and life
  • A small meditation cushion or zafu is sometimes used to aid ver
  • Suite: Prayer and Meditation: Day, Peace and After, Prayer and Meditation
  • To Dominic is attributed the practice of meditation during the recitation of the Hail Marys, whi
  • uest services include massage, yoga classes, meditation, EDGU and other healing arts programs.
  • Meditation ends in Samadhi.
  • traditional means of preparing the mind for meditation; especially as part of formal practice (in e
  • nter for worship twice every Sunday, and for meditation every weekday.
  • Jedi meditation examples are described as a parallel Buddhis
  • ys in the body, but in the microcosmic orbit meditation exercise Jing is encouraged to flow upwards
  • . Martin Trust Merit Award for their show on meditation featuring prisoners at Cardiff Prison.
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