



  • with various other thrash bands of the time, Mordred always stood out from the crowd with their id
  • They bring Mordred and his half-brothers to Camelot, to train to
  • r's men fled west across Lyonesse, pursued by Mordred and his men.
  • The protagonists of this story are, Mordred and his father the king, Arthur.
  • in the Annals on King Arthur, one on Medraut ( Mordred) and one on Myrddin (Merlin).
  • Rose Dyson, the daughter of Mordred and the priestess who is actually the Holy Gr
  • In order to wreak their revenge, Mordred and Agravaine decide to go to the king and of
  • the break of dawn to face the battle against Mordred and his cannons.
  • in would need a champion to face the likes of Mordred and Morgan, he sought a boy to become the fir
  • in 1960), singing the song "The Persuasion" ( Mordred and Morgan Le Fey), was eliminated from the 1
  • s made some modern writers associate her with Mordred as well.
  • gum Britanniae, the earliest work to describe Mordred as a usurper.
  • The novel portrays Mordred as a pawn of fate unlike many tales which pai
  • gotiate a peace between Arthur and his nephew Mordred before the Battle of Camlann.
  • ine in the next section, "The Transgression"; Mordred condemns her for her infidelity against King
  • f Christian morality in the poem is that even Mordred cries and seems to be repentant around line 3
  • nevere and the war between Arthur and his son Mordred ending in the death of Arthur and the end of
  • His family rescues Mordred from the sea (afraid of Merlin's prophecy tha
  • King Arthur) and Roddy McDowell (Arthur's son Mordred), going on four times when Burton became ill
  • In Geoffrey's version, after Arthur and Mordred had died at the Battle of Camlann, Constantin
  • Early in the Historia Geoffrey states that Mordred has married Arthur's wife Guanhumara, but doe
  • She must defeat Mordred her half brother and his book of beasts.
  • d his heroic death in battle against the evil Mordred, his bastard son.
  • nce for the historicity of Arthur, Merlin and Mordred; however, given that the entries, or at least
  • Mordred is a thrash metal/funk metal band from USA.
  • Lost as a youth, Mordred is raised by fisherfolk until he is returned
  • Mordred later assisted Morgan in a scheme involving t
  • continue to travel for seven more days until Mordred leaves and Lancelot du Lake joins the pair.
  • Mordred lunges forward with his weapon and pierces Ar
  • Mordred meets with Saxon leaders in secret to make a
  • n various powers of Arthurian legend, such as Mordred, Morgan le Fay, the Fisher King, and Merlin h
  • After Morgaine delivers Mordred, Morgause takes Mordred as a foster child and
  • He is based loosely on the Mordred of Arthurian legend.
  • Triad 54 describes Medrawd ( Mordred) raiding Arthur's court and throwing Gwenhwyf
  • A distraught Arthur turns to find Mordred ready to pierce his father with his spear.
  • Mordred says it in his ritual Tim! (talk) 08:55, 23 A
  • Mordred son of Morgan and Arthur
  • d down by all the brothers except Gareth, and Mordred stabs him in the back.
  • The triads also state that at Celliwig Mordred struck Gwenhwyfar a blow.
  • Mordred the Evil is a fictional character in the Marv
  • s in the episode "Kid Stuff", where she leads Mordred to an amulet with vast magical abilities (so
  • Mordred was defeated and returned to the netherworld
  • Perceval offers to fight, but Arthur realizes Mordred was his sin and stands to face his son.
  • Guinevere takes a special liking to Mordred, who dreams of a unified Britain.
  • Betrayed by Mordred, who banished her and all the adults on Earth
  • nd Arthur decide to recognize his bastard son Mordred, whom he had with his sister Morguase.
  • Merlin foresees that Mordred will be the cause of Arthur's death, but does