



  • film-advance lever, though it offered both motor-driven and manual film rewinding.
  • Today, motor-driven boats are not permitted on the lake and res
  • th a 105 mm telephoto lens, rather than the motor-driven camera usually used for news events.
  • In 1925, Kodak followed up with a spring motor-driven Cine-Kodak Model B, at which time the origi
  • ta and began the switch from horse-drawn to motor-driven firefighting equipment.
  • Irrigation machines that utilize electric motor-driven pumps are also available.
  • rampy is out riding through the snow in his motor-driven sleigh, singing the title song to himself.
  • tricity that was transmitted 2.6 miles to a motor-driven stamp mill at the Gold King Mine.
  • The Noblex is a German made motor-driven swing-lens panoramic camera.
  • ct included a closed crew compartment and a motor-driven winch.