



  • Food, though strictly rationed, was in nutritionally adequate supply throughout the war.
  • auber, the La Jolla-based company sought a nutritionally balanced breakfast and began experimenting
  • plenty of food, varied enough to provide a nutritionally complete diet.
  • Duggan point out that the BRAT diet is not nutritionally complete and may be deficient in energy, f
  • VLCDs are formulated, nutritionally complete, liquid meals containing 800 kilo
  • courts, but because the loaf is generally nutritionally complete, it is sometimes justified as a "
  • rge Tanzanian trial in immunologically and nutritionally compromised pregnant and lactating women s
  • s appreciated for its hardiness in dry and nutritionally deficient conditions, popular in subtropic
  • Foods associated with famine need not be nutritionally deficient.
  • oduct that research has since proven to be nutritionally deficient: The endosperm contains less tha
  • ed pearl millet and sorghum, that would be nutritionally enhanced with bambara nut.
  • te saxaul is a hardy tree that can grow in nutritionally poor soil and can tolerate drought.
  • They are not used in nutritionally significant quantities.
  • he day , about 5-6 instead of the usual 3. Nutritionally, supporting the liver and supplementing wi