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  • iet and Chinese revolutions - upholding the overwhelming achievements [while] pointing to problems a
  • ands misrepresented by Zuccarini have taken overwhelming action against him through dozens of arbitr
  • ment of weapons systems or misuses of their overwhelming advantage in manpower.
  • ved on the battlefield, the Serbs gained an overwhelming advantage.
  • April 18, 1754 to the French who possessed overwhelming advantages over the tiny garrison.
  • h faces destruction when an inscrutable and overwhelming alien form of life attacks.
  • 's only worth is as being a component of an overwhelming, all-supreme Nation or Ethnos.
  • his is most likely due in large part to the overwhelming amount of Midwesterners who have relocated
  • Soon after, an overwhelming amount of research was done in proving the
  • g Red Carpet events, which have received an overwhelming amount of celebrity response and media cove
  • Regardless, when an overwhelming amount of sports websites (which include NF
  • Appeals to the public for funds was overwhelming, and a mixed school under Miss Bradbury was
  • Their success as a group was overwhelming, and the three individualists showed up on
  • a response from her customers that has been overwhelming and said she prepares 5 pounds of bacon dai
  • is life, but in this case the temptation is overwhelming, and every writer on Caravaggio seems to su
  • The response was so overwhelming and immediate that Peter was quickly persua
  • try even more impressive, and especially an overwhelming and perfect end, perhaps more comparable to
  • The response was overwhelming and produced many classic songs, such as "H
  • was inscribed, Roman influence was not yet overwhelming, and Gaulish probably still in wide use.
  • to 60 for the first batch, the response was overwhelming and hence a total of 88 students including
  • ing the book was as strong as ever, despite overwhelming and still growing evidence for the theory.
  • o pick up a representative sampling of this overwhelming anti-bootleg series should have this one on
  • ial and parliamentary elections after their overwhelming approval of a new constitution that paves t
  • After receiving overwhelming approval from the university's board of tru
  • he nature of politics proved to be mentally overwhelming as he would pursue more aggressive policy a
  • The result was overwhelming as his voice resembled that of Ustad Amir K
  • second term, but the win was not nearly as overwhelming as Kempthorne's 1998 victory.
  • rs frequently find the Hemulens annoying or overwhelming, as they can be somewhat loud, bossy, abras
  • Wolf received positive reviews, but not as overwhelming as previous releases.
  • Soviet forces launched an overwhelming assault on Army Group Centre on 23 June; Ma
  • unced at the 2009 convention that due to an overwhelming attendance of around 7,000 people for that
  • rvoir of might, Germans still maintained an overwhelming balance of power.
  • an enemy fleet at night with a massive and overwhelming barrage of torpedoes.
  • idea of patenting his creation, citing the overwhelming benefit that useful matches could have to m
  • PA-TEC's efforts have received overwhelming bipartisan support by both Bucks and Montgo
  • Overwhelming Blankness of the Ultimate Meaninglessness o
  • his scepticism so cogently and with such an overwhelming body of empirical evidence that it definiti
  • lar planets is complicated primarily by the overwhelming brightness of the host star as compared to
  • pocket battleship Admiral Graf Spee that an overwhelming British force was being assembled, and that
  • In spite of the overwhelming British victory in the climactic battle, th
  • moving south from Thailand on 11 December, overwhelming British defenses.
  • this same type of naval warfare against an overwhelming British Navy as early as 1776 and throughou
  • The evidence is overwhelming, but Holmes agrees to look into the matter
  • Commuters crowded onto CTA buses, quickly overwhelming capacity, resulting in usual bus commutes o
  • tracted by the rebuild, classes often reach overwhelming capacity.
  • dogs that caught Tami's attention, and the overwhelming care she took of the strays.
  • In 2003 he was promised by experts an overwhelming career after earning the Ukrainian Football
  • In the wake of the overwhelming Catholic military successes, in 1629 Ferdin
  • losters", for its heroic last stand against overwhelming Chinese forces.
  • a type of flat panel display, currently the overwhelming choice of notebook computer manufacturers,
  • Noble was their overwhelming choice for Young Player of the Year.
  • same month Atlantic Records prompted by the overwhelming club response to "We Are Family" sent the l
  • sidered a cult film, Zabriskie Point was an overwhelming commercial failure and panned by most criti
  • r force and navy did not participate due to overwhelming Communist firepower.
  • ology, the Coffee Party determined that the overwhelming concern of its members was money in politic
  • The overwhelming Confederate numbers forced Drake, who had b
  • , with his “illustrious pedigree,” inspires overwhelming confidence in his ability to preside over v
  • The overwhelming consensus against this group led the Electi
  • Y represents a guideline agreed upon by the overwhelming consensus of editors.
  • , seems such a little thing to produce such overwhelming consequences.
  • She is free at last: free of the overwhelming constrictions of the school, the teachers'
  • n Party lose two seats, but still retain an overwhelming control of, the United States Senate.
  • expanded the Democratic-Republican Party's overwhelming control over the United States Senate.
  • he Democratic-Republican Party increase its overwhelming control of the Senate by one additional Sen
  • d the Democratic-Republican Party assume an overwhelming control thereof.
  • Born to Run was released to overwhelming critical acclaim which swiftly spiralled in
  • gasrd to agriculture, banana remains as the overwhelming crop, leading the municipality's fruit expo
  • t his bid for the presidency because of the overwhelming crowd that gathered for the first rally of
  • ost Hero Records produced events due to the overwhelming crowd size associated with them.
  • The latter were unexpectedly attended by overwhelming crowds, a fact largely ignored by the offic
  • the secondary armament of Westfalen caused overwhelming damage and she went down on fire with 67 me
  • Following the overwhelming defeat of the referendum in North East Engl
  • the state's financial situation, Bigger was overwhelming defeated by Whitcomb.
  • I get the strange feeling that there is an overwhelming defense of the criticisms here that a Red C
  • the complex's tower, facing the computer's overwhelming defenses.
  • Based on overwhelming demand there were 10-plus events.
  • use of Representatives as a Democrat in the overwhelming Democratic landslide of 1964.
  • e city's lack of commercial revenue and its overwhelming dependence on property and sales taxes, thi
  • e game "passable," but then highlighted its overwhelming depth (an aspect of the game some critics l
  • The most notable service was an overwhelming desert victory over a Ming army led by Xu D
  • Despite Golo's overwhelming desire for her, Genoveva persistently rejec
  • s train-wreck of a movie, you will feel the overwhelming desire to rip out your eyes and force them
  • between the two parties, [and] there was no overwhelming despair on the part of the Asians at Japan'
  • But the overwhelming detailia are just so not pertinent to this
  • aggregator website, Metacritic, indicating overwhelming dislike.
  • programs temporarily reduced the country's overwhelming economic dependence on the canal and the zo
  • Alpina was powerless to counter the overwhelming emergence of electronic watches.
  • struggle with the daily living expenses and overwhelming emergency situations that arise when a chil
  • try to deal with sexual abuse and the often overwhelming emotions that come with it.
  • nalists did not have any chance against the overwhelming enemy because the island is located too far
  • lanx of troops across a battlefield against overwhelming enemy forces while freeing and recruiting s
  • Faced with overwhelming enemy force, the security battalion guardin
  • so magnificently in maintaining against an overwhelming enemy force for over eight and a half hours
  • n and another battalion were attacked by an overwhelming enemy force estimated at between 3,000 and
  • le of Mora due to his lack of artillery and overwhelming enemy forces.
  • Faced with such overwhelming enemy, the defenders stood no chance and af
  • Acadians should protect their language from overwhelming English influence.
  • Cardigan's overwhelming enthusiasm for the army remained and the me
  • He states that there is such overwhelming evidence for common ancestry that it should
  • The supernovae data are not overwhelming evidence for an accelerating Universe expan
  • Fish is found guilty despite overwhelming evidence of his insanity, and promptly sent
  • Epstein concluded "there was overwhelming evidence that the notes were written by one
  • The same report stated: "There is overwhelming evidence that for many years Cardinal Law a
  • The committee's report found overwhelming evidence of massive corruption.
  • In response to overwhelming evidence submitted to the aforementioned Se
  • ers enveloped the arrangements in an almost overwhelming evocation of the sky and all that happens i
  • ce of Indiana and was finally closed due to overwhelming expenditures.
  • and animal breeders, Darwin's book provided overwhelming experimental support for this idea.
  • This overwhelming exposure translated into major record sales
  • ce, Quebec has not voted Liberal to such an overwhelming extent) and the Trudeau ideal of federal po
  • the name to be, its many names point to the overwhelming fact that the neighborhood is indeed gentri
  • ngle had been pushed ahead two weeks due to overwhelming fan demand.
  • McWherter would have been an overwhelming favorite for a third term if he had been pe
  • d the by-election, and Turia was always the overwhelming favourite to win.
  • d runner-up by the juries despite being the overwhelming favourite of the Dutch public.
  • shed 4th in the First Division and who were overwhelming favourites to win.
  • The Reds were overwhelming favourites to win the final and become the
  • It becomes clear that in times of overwhelming fear or pressure, Misaki's latent abilities
  • oke Island against an amphibious assault by overwhelming Federal forces on February 7-8 , 1862, and
  • It's believed the song addresses the overwhelming feeling Gavin felt when he moved to New Yor
  • There is an overwhelming feeling that that money ought to be spent o
  • Despite his overwhelming fighting power, Edajima suffers a defeat be
  • The overwhelming fire from automatic weapons killed 1 Junior
  • ed down at the far end of Betio Pier by the overwhelming fire of Japanese shore batteries, 1st Lt. B
  • 22 and 27 May in which the American ships' overwhelming fire drove off attacking Tripolitan gunboat
  • Dethlefsen ignored the enemy's overwhelming firepower and the damage to his aircraft an
  • rgency would be struck efficiently and with overwhelming firepower, on the ground and from the air.
  • Faced with overwhelming firepower, Chen surrendered unconditionally
  • proved no match for the Viet Cong and their overwhelming firepower, so they quickly retreated into u
  • With a small command defeated an overwhelming force of the enemy and saved the trains of
  • ith little more than Molotov cocktails, the overwhelming force of the assault caused the group to ab
  • in which, if timed right, the arrival of an overwhelming force of new, well-trained and well-led div
  • s at Cheat Mountain, were convinced that an overwhelming force confronted them.
  • the impossible challenge of beating back an overwhelming force of Japanese battleships and cruisers
  • S. forces did not prevent Saddam from using overwhelming force to suppress the uprising.
  • Crete, however, allowed them to concentrate overwhelming force against Retimo and, short of supplies
  • thus weaken his army while they built up an overwhelming force even he could not defeat.
  • Thus, despite the overwhelming force brought to bear by Hideyoshi, the sie
  • Next came the Wooly-Horse, with an overwhelming force,
  • chiefs of the Gordons of Huntly, who had an overwhelming force.
  • a successful defence for 87 days against an overwhelming force.
  • For the place and time, this was an overwhelming force.
  • just days after Russia invaded Georgia with overwhelming force.
  • [Amon Tobin] Overwhelming Forces
  • f the Jewish fighters perished fighting the overwhelming German forces.
  • In April 1941, Greece capitulated after an overwhelming German invasion.
  • Scott's Anaconda Plan, favoring instead an overwhelming grand battle, in the Napoleonic style.
  • aimed to annex the large island due to its overwhelming Greek population, which was attempted in 19
  • om a combination of the severe beating, and overwhelming grief and remorse.
  • ary, who has fainted most likely due to her overwhelming grief.
  • His overwhelming guilt leads him to believe a ticking metron
  • Jess feels overwhelming guilt for Leslie's death, thinking that it
  • xpectations and those of his parents become overwhelming, he keeps his problems to himself.
  • desperately wanted cold water to quench the overwhelming heat.
  • e, confesses his love again and kisses her, overwhelming her doubts about their future.
  • Nothing I have read … has brought home the overwhelming human sense of history that this song does.
  • ted by the most express language or by such overwhelming implications from the text as [will] leave
  • It has been known to place an overwhelming importance on basketball.
  • On April 3, 1934, county residents voted overwhelming in support for a bond initiative to build a
  • ders' cavalry and crossbow artillery proved overwhelming in level terrain, but the Prussians were mo
  • Habsburgs' power could at that point become overwhelming in the empire triggered France, led by Loui
  • Support from within the ARMM was overwhelming in favor with all four provinces having at
  • This was not achieved, and the results, overwhelming in favor of both measures, were invalidated
  • vocation by the LTTE intended to trigger an overwhelming Indian response; thus tarnishing the IPKF's
  • His election is an overwhelming indication of the desire of the Filipino Me
  • and died within 3 weeks of her birth of an overwhelming infection, despite the efforts of zoo keepe
  • m he should have it, but chafed against the overwhelming influence of the official clique whom Roger
  • rt, both of which had previously, under the overwhelming influence of Johann Joachim Winckelmann, be
  • ing It The 9th," achieves the same level of overwhelming intensity.
  • s, stigmatization, violence, as well as the overwhelming intricacies of the legal, public and social
  • is that the vast majority of mankind has an overwhelming intuition that there truly is such a thing.
  • as not long, however, before Kent faced the overwhelming invasion of the West Saxons under Caedwalla
  • usly added it was 'homely, hearty, intense, overwhelming; it did our soul good.
  • Boundless and overwhelming, it overtops hills and mountains.
  • n what we could put in this article without overwhelming it.
  • Due to overwhelming Japanese forces, the commander of Lark Forc
  • from 13 to 23; after a long firefight with overwhelming Japanese forces who mistook them for a much
  • ation of the extremes of violent terror and overwhelming joy of that world darkened to most adults b
  • village has such a rich history, it's a bit overwhelming just trying to compile the information.
  • The interior is overwhelming lacks decoration.
  • alaries during the depression, but met with overwhelming legislative resistance.
  • Due in part to the overwhelming level of support he received by party leade
  • The prostitute Mary suddenly feels an overwhelming longing to travel to Jerusalem.
  • eam as in everyone else's, the sense was of overwhelming loss.
  • actors establishing Jones County residents' overwhelming loyalty to the Confederacy, including (1) t
  • l election, 1988 is held, Jatiya Party gets overwhelming majority with 68.44% of the votes.
  • The overwhelming majority of the Turks in Azerbaijan, Azerba
  • an Party lose two seats but still retain an overwhelming majority in the United States Senate.
  • t of what is wise or right to even the most overwhelming majority of opinion.
  • However, the overwhelming majority of fans and critics have deemed th
  • He was elected by the overwhelming majority of 10,611 votes in a contest where
  • Democrats have an overwhelming majority of registered voters, the Democrat
  • f both BOCA and Birds Australia voted by an overwhelming majority at their respective Annual General
  • The overwhelming majority of Venezuelans denote themselves a
  • Although it was accepted by the overwhelming majority of Irish people, only Soviet Russi
  • Of these, the overwhelming majority are from the capital Ankara (rough
  • , and Bahawalpur districts revealed that an overwhelming majority of 83 percent Scheduled Caste popu
  • eams entered the 1926 competition, with the overwhelming majority being from the North Island.
  • w Zealand prostitutes, concluding that "the overwhelming majority in the business feels huge progres
  • An overwhelming majority of the faculty, who could not affi
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