



  • ll sorts of poison as precious things; love passionately a stinking goat; caress him lovingly; assoc
  • Everybody knows Muslims feel passionately about the Palestinian issue.
  • Bird has spoken passionately about animation as an art form.
  • A third elder spoke passionately about the lack of support he gets from the
  • Dartmoor Preservation Association and cared passionately about the conservation of Dartmoor.
  • se has come to mean that one can "insist so passionately about something not being true that people
  • He also spoke so passionately about his hopes for the season and the dire
  • e national harmonization of time zones, but passionately advocated the legalization of cremation.
  • , school reform, and in the 1850s and 1860s passionately advocated for the cause of Garibaldi and th
  • onely predators live in deep caves and hunt passionately almost everything, searching for challenge
  • She kisses him passionately, and says "maybe".
  • then the two men have championed the cause passionately and organise teams of surgeons to operate i
  • in obtaining emancipation, and songs, sung passionately and leading to a trance-like state, were ce
  • young people gather to worship, seeking God passionately, and every week our pastor is encouraging u
  • Gaines passionately and unflaggingly supported the forward move
  • His passionately anti-imperialist novel was researched in Ch
  • “They (the government) passionately appealed that, for the sake of the economy,
  • ch he deeply laments the fate of Israel and passionately appeals to God to avenge the desecration of
  • n described the book as an "intelligent and passionately argued attempt to 'excavate utopia' from th
  • Bach's 32nd year, Bach's Fight For Freedom passionately argues that the only master you can serve f
  • you are passionately arguing about an entry in an encyclopedia t
  • an Englishman of good family, passionately attached to those philosophical notions whi
  • Like many Liberals, he passionately believed that education was the key to soci
  • na remembers with emotion the man she loved passionately, but who brought her ruin.
  • he First World War, he moved to Badenweiler passionately committed to the understanding between Germ
  • Sinnathamby is passionately committed to uplifting society through educ
  • with the local US ambassador, get rid of a passionately dangerous lover, shrug off the brutal atten
  • to Christianity from Manichaaeism, which he passionately denounced in his writings, and whose writin
  • The song tells the tale of a man who is passionately desperate to get back home to his female co
  • As a leading actress she was passionately devoted to the development of theatre in Be
  • cultivated his vocation as town planner and passionately devoted himself to teaching.
  • a singer, poet, organist, philosopher, and passionately devoted citizen of Florence, notably Giovan
  • After Non Gae passionately embraced Rokusuke, she toppled backward, ta
  • (Typically imagery of men and women passionately entwined.)
  • That's how he became passionately fond of youth formation and he accumulated
  • Despres argued passionately for fair housing, racial integration, and h
  • Here they lived and worked passionately for the missionary cause, until in 1870 the
  • Dinabandhu Mitra, Lal Behari also felt very passionately for the poor and oppressed peasantry of Ben
  • ll parliamentary activity which he cared so passionately for [...]."
  • etween Australia and Italy, where he yelled passionately for several minutes.
  • efusal, Louvel exclaimed that "he loves you passionately, he will do anything for you and he greatly
  • inner and discussing, first teasingly, then passionately, how happy they are together.
  • fficer once entered her cell and started to passionately hug her, saying that he had not been his wi
  • Soon Tom and Polly fall passionately in love and get married.
  • erns a beautiful young gypsy, Salud, who is passionately in love with a young man named Paco.
  • r growing attraction to Grace and they kiss passionately in a supply room.
  • Hours after that interview, he spoke passionately in favor of Iran's right to develop nuclear
  • When Ruth at last passionately indicates her disapproval for Bobbo's extra
  • He was passionately interested in knowledge and felt that marri
  • irst learned of the Speedway when he became passionately interested in Grand Prix motor racing in th
  • Dean of Students when he died in 1970, was passionately involved with the school for many years.
  • e under which the gold is hidden and, after passionately kissing her, wishes she could talk.
  • Wagonor passionately lead the college through the turbulent year
  • Their two children are Hayley, a passionately liberal college-aged activist who Stan seem
  • Passionately longing to make a more personal contributio
  • his aunt's studio prior to World War II and passionately loved taking photographs.
  • te, Lord Cochrane and his defendants always passionately maintained that he was not guilty and that
  • The two embrace and passionately make love.
  • Revius' work is sometimes passionately militant, sometimes deeply devout and relig
  • ng the River Flow") suggests that Dylan was passionately motivated by this subject.
  • kes up with her boyfriend and, as they kiss passionately on the sidewalk, the trunk lid suddenly pop
  • He was passionately opposed to the widespread spraying of DDT.
  • He was passionately opposed to Zionism and Jewish immigration.
  • Buys was a gifted orator who was passionately opposed to the British and played on the di
  • f was a curious mixture of conventional (he passionately opposed the re-marriage of divorced people
  • explain their philosophy on love - to "love passionately or not at all".
  • He was passionately patriotic and, having been rejected for act
  • isplay courage, skills and charisma as they passionately prepare for the event.
  • ner, which is precisely what Kierkegaard so passionately protested?"
  • are " a body of believers whose goal is to passionately pursue Koinonia" with God the Father, Son,
  • Before the war, Rabinowitch passionately pursued research in photosynthesis, a field
  • e book, Fire Begets Fire, on the subject of passionately pursuing God.
  • He was an early Copernican, and passionately rejected both the prevailing Aristotelian p
  • At the age of five she passionately sang her favorite songs every day.
  • o put up a spiritual front, even if I'm not passionately seeking God.
  • He passionately studied music and immediately had results,
  • ein, which means to kiss firmly, intensely, passionately, tenderly or warmly.
  • Peter believes passionately that people should care about what happens
  • "I believe passionately that Vietnam was a just cause in the circum
  • , and particularly Robert Bakker who argued passionately that dinosaurs were warm-blooded in a way s
  • While drawn passionately to science itself, she did not find a caree
  • entury, and I never tire of recommending it passionately to my own students.
  • es himself genuinely on the battlefield and passionately urges them to fight for Russia.