



  • Juliano as Jeremy, Roger Lodge as Harry the patrolman, Ace Mask as Dr. Rochelle and Kelli Maroney
  • On January 1, 1887, he was made a regular patrolman and became a detective three years later.
  • xas Department of Public Safety as a highway patrolman assigned to Houston and Cleveland, Texas.
  • ome say led to the vehicle accident in which Patrolman Ben Wilcher was killed.
  • roved himself to be an excellent tracker and patrolman, continually astounding his fellow soldiers
  • r solving the 44-year-old unsolved murder of Patrolman Donald Martin.
  • Gregory Walcott as Patrolman Ernie Mashburn
  • Delegate Cluster was a patrolman for the Baltimore County Police Department f
  • ked by revelations from two police officers, Patrolman Frank Serpico, and Sergeant David Durk.
  • Initially deployed as a patrolman in Chicago's Rogers Park neighborhood, Huber
  • He also starred as an AA Patrolman is the BBC television series "The Last Salut
  • uckeye State, which dealt with the murder of Patrolman Martin and their efforts in solving the case
  • Sidney Toler as Patrolman Mulligan
  • A patrolman, Nicholas Falabella, noticed the car just as
  • On a Los Angeles street, Officer Hollis, a patrolman on his way home from work, stops a man he su
  • officer wearing dark clothing and his police patrolman's metal badge on his chest and his left shou
  • On April 14, 1972, Patrolman Philip Cardillo and Vito Navarra responded t
  • though only two city policemen and one state patrolman reported minor injuries from flying glass an
  • m whose title is often translated as Highway Patrolman, see El Patrullero.
  • He was a patrolman, sergeant and undercover narcotics detective
  • Later a California highway patrolman suspiciously questions Daria.
  • Byrnes rose in the ranks, first as a patrolman, then becoming a sergeant in 1869 and a capt
  • Marc Ross as Patrolman Tramer
  • He had been a police patrolman when he unseated the incumbent mayor in Supe
  • The video featured Matt Dillon as the NYPD patrolman who arrests the intoxicated MacGowan.
  • ugust 19, 1969) was a career Alabama Highway Patrolman who served as Director of the Alabama Depart