



  • ion process begins with excitation of the photosensitizer, as mentioned.
  • a typical photochemical system (target + photosensitizer, flavin in this example) is a cyclic phot
  • Aminolevulinic acid is also a photosensitizer for photodynamic therapy.
  • Ag2S is used as a photosensitizer in photography.
  • nces used in sunscreens are often uses as photosensitizer in chemical reactions.
  • art from photodynamic therapy, in which a photosensitizer is excited with specific band light.
  • To harness the sun's energy, the photosensitizer must be able to absorb light within the v
  • isomerisation when acetone is added as a photosensitizer to produce semibullvalene.
  • h excites the flavin mononucleotide (FMN) photosensitizer to the singlet excited state.