



  • one is composed of the two organic components quinone and hydroquinone (or quinol).
  • Depending on the quinone and the site of reduction, reduction can eith
  • No, it is not a quinone and the double bonds will hard work as electr
  • HU-331 is a quinone anticarcinogenic drug synthesized from cannab
  • an indole but have two additional keto group ( quinone) attached to the ring structure.
  • nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate ( quinone), dehydrogenase, NADPH oxidase, and NADPH2 de
  • de reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide ( quinone) dehydrogenase, NADH-quinone oxidoreductase,
  • Acenaphthoquinone is a quinone derived from acenaphthene.
  • ene is a member of the NAD(P)H dehydrogenase ( quinone) family and encodes a cytoplasmic 2-electron
  • te to succinate to the oxidation of quinol to quinone, in a reaction opposite to that catalysed by
  • This double ketone ( quinone) is a reactive metabolite of naphthalene and
  • Blattellaquinone, also known as gentisyl quinone isovalerate, is a sex pheromone of the German
  • re, and the Pacific beetle cockroach sprays a quinone mixture from modified spiracles.
  • ocess of dehydrogenation of a hydroquinone to quinone or alternatively the addition of a single H a
  • ose acting on a sulfur group of donors with a quinone or similar compound as acceptor.
  • ifically those acting on NADH or NADPH with a quinone or similar compound as acceptor.
  • ose acting on the CH-OH group of donor with a quinone or similar compound as acceptor.
  • Stronger quinone oxidising agents exist; for instance: chloran
  • cid, having a variety of components including quinone, phenol, catechol and sugar moieties
  • Other names in common use include NRH: quinone oxidoreductase 2, NQO2, NQO2, NAD(P)H:quinone
  • nthetic systems along the proposed ferredoxin quinone reductase pathway.
  • 2·Pheo- + 2H+ + QB → 2Pheo + QBH2 ( quinone reduction)
  • It is one of the two isomers of quinone, the other being 1,4-benzoquinone.
  • substrates of this enzyme are NADPH, H+, and quinone, whereas its two products are NADP+ and semiq
  • -D-ribofuranosyl)-1,4-dihydronicotinamide and quinone, whereas its two products are 1-(beta-D-ribof
  • o the presence of quinhydrone (1:1 complex of quinone with hydroquinone).