



  • Hall was precociously ribald and loved Rabelaisian literature.
  • The carnival soon featured ribald dancing by men and women in masks.
  • e scenery in lipsmacking form, she savours the ribald dialogue like an overripe wine, spitting venom
  • e hoary old murder ballad, or "Rovin' Kind", a ribald ditty from the clipper-ship era.
  • whose fictional exploits are chronicled in the ribald drinking song "Barnacle Bill the Sailor" - its
  • e that Diderot must have known is found in the ribald fabliau Le Chevalier Qui Fist parler les Cons.
  • y observed that "Henderson's dementedly comic, ribald foray into fiction and fact may alter forever
  • ing a composite of tragus (billy goat) and the ribald half-goat deity Pan (and in the case of the Sa
  • Her comics combined exaggerated fantasy and ribald humor with documentation of her life in the Mi
  • vent, notable for its political statements and ribald humor.
  • d a campaign against a website that hosted the ribald joke article Chester's guide to: The controver
  • ch Barth, under advisement, had toned down the ribald material in her act and received a disappointi
  • h Isles, most notably The Everton Song, a more ribald rendition by the fans of Everton.
  • ist was compelled by circumstances to become a ribald satirist.
  • boasts of his extraordinary male endowment, a ribald song involving the use of a mallet to deflower
  • generally syllabic word setting, satirical and ribald subjects, and catchy rhythms.
  • The many ribald versions of the limerick are the basis for its
  • Potter also provided the ribald voice of the lustful narrator.
  • Dan Baird spins ribald white-trash tales to familiar Chuck Berry-deri
  • The show features ribald wordplay, nonchalant violence and transgressiv