



  • He explains that kings who rule righteously are desirable, but once a wicked king comes
  • the good feelings you can get when you live righteously, as well as a few activity songs and some s
  • Darius believed that because he lived righteously by Asha, Ahura Mazda supported him.
  • s hardly encyclopedic, but Bob & I had some righteously epic flame wars on alt.drugs in the 90s.
  • his heartlessness and infidelity and Buqun righteously hits Bufan for Xinya.
  • The Righteously Outrageous Twirling Corps is a Chicago-base
  • ovoking secession, but they might have been righteously standing by the law, as set forth in Dred_S
  • Idvallo is said by Geoffrey to have reigned righteously to mend the ills his cousin had brought.