



  • Nothing saintly about it.
  • s of the sixteenth century she was considered saintly and believed to be in constant and intimate c
  • self-sacrifice of his life was most certainly saintly and heroic, he was not killed in odium Fidei
  • ool Beans World including the animated movies Saintly and Marshall Law
  • mologically, the word owes its origins to the saintly antecedents of the community.
  • The pope's presence caused the saintly archbishop of Canterbury, a Lombard, Anselm o
  • in the righteousness of Iconoclasm, priming a saintly ascetic to urge Leo to adopt the example of E
  • proverbial loincloth but his face projected a saintly aura.
  • Robert Graves's novel They Hanged My Saintly Billy is a re-examination of the case.
  • had occurred during the Easter Vigil when the saintly Bishop changed water into oil to supply all t
  • These two saintly bishops established many churches, which were
  • atriarch Athanasius III Patelaros and several saintly bishops are buried there.
  • as the cow which revealed the presence of the saintly child by licking a box which had washed ashor
  • The book is a wistful moral tale about a saintly child, but is enlivened by many humorous scen
  • dministrator and man of affairs rather than a saintly churchman, was made one of the king's lieuten
  • tuguese: o Infante Santo) and soon fostered a saintly cult.
  • Seaxburh was one of the four saintly daughters of Anna of East Anglia.
  • He died a saintly death, and thousands followed the remains of
  • er the veil of pretended loyalty and later of saintly devotion when he becomes Primate on Henry's n
  • It has sculptures of the four saintly fathers of the Latin Church, St Augustine, St
  • Invariably called "the saintly Flaget," Bishop Flaget served as bishop from
  • Not saintly grey-like many a minster fane
  • the reforms begun under Pope Gregory VII, the Saintly Hildebrand; like Boniface, he was a zealous r
  • ans at St. Francis Xavier du Sault, where the saintly Indian maiden Catherine Tegakwitha died.
  • of the soul, are still accessible to unique, saintly individuals.
  • with a bright eye, a clear complexion, and a saintly, intellectual face.
  • Foolabai (1664-1682) was a saintly Jat woman popularly known as Bhakt Shiromani
  • for someone who was believed to have lived a saintly life but was not a martyr or churchman.
  • He was a monk of saintly life, employing all the time he could spare f
  • Callistus Xanthopoulos, was reputed to lead a saintly life, when he was chosen to become Archbishop
  • The Synaxarium attests to his saintly life.
  • a degree of humour unusual in the writers of saintly lives.
  • y Paul Vincent Carroll, in which she played a saintly maid, was more successful, running for 9 mont
  • ty and sanctity, and Robert's reputation as a saintly man grew.
  • s she remained a model of piety and died in a saintly manner at Alba, 23 November 1464.
  • was officially pronounced a Russian Orthodox saintly martyr by the Patriarch of Constantinople.
  • wr, Sawyl Penuchel and Ardun Benasgell, and a saintly one, as the grandfather of Deiniol, Asaph and
  • Uhland's Hohe Liebe (Exalted Love) is saintly, or religious, love: the "martyr" renounces w
  • Hari Mohan (Dev Anand) is a saintly person who organizes Hindu prayers and discou
  • During these days there lived in Nashik a saintly person, known as Dev Mamaledar.
  • is lifetime, Mgr Galea was considered to be a saintly person.
  • Many saintly poets visited these temples and wrote poems i
  • ng his life, Father Cormier was noted for his saintly qualities: "He gives peace to everything he t
  • Other saintly relatives of Cwyllog included St Iestyn and S
  • g pipe worshipped for centuries as a Catholic saintly relic, a clearly recognizable trace of a jeep
  • Pious Neustria: Historiographic Discourse and Saintly Relics, 684-1090.
  • tianity and came to Canterbury because of the saintly reputation of Theodore of Tarsus.
  • Mateos eventually earned himself a saintly reputation.
  • She and her son both live lives of saintly retirement, but after Tryphine's death Conomo
  • d dies shortly after birth, Mara implores her saintly sister to come out of isolation to bring her
  • He was also brother of three saintly sisters, Juthwara, Sidwell and Wulvela.
  • ted the ABC/Wonderful World of Disney movie A Saintly Switch to his memory in 1999.
  • ost familiar voices lending his avuncular and saintly tones to a number of Independent Television r
  • vere her for the bright, sunny temper and her saintly unselfishness.
  • n Galatia, the martyr Saint Theodotus and the saintly virgins Thecusa, his aunt, Alexandra, Claudia
  • Ida grew up to be a soft, caring, almost saintly woman and married the love of her life Frank