



  • for some stars in the constellations between Scorpius and Libra.
  • th constellation, Ophiuchus, situated between Scorpius and Sagittarius.
  • actic bulge star located in the constellation Scorpius, approximately 11000 light years away from th
  • re: Leonicus (leader), Aries, Piscor, Libras, Scorpius, Aquator, Taurotron, Cancix, Geminator, Sagit
  • The currently designated Ara X-1 is in Scorpius at equatorial coordinates for the epoch 1950
  • nant-consisting of Leonicus, Aquator, Libras, Scorpius, Capricun, and several others, all based on t
  • Lambis scorpius, common name the scorpion conch or scorpion s
  • HD 162020 is an orange dwarf star in Scorpius constellation with a brown dwarf companion.
  • tude 16 galactic bulge star is located in the Scorpius constellation at the far distance of about 21
  • logued as HIP 79431 and is located within the Scorpius constellation approximately 47 light years aw
  • Wray 17-96 is a very luminous star in the Scorpius constellation, about 15,000 light-years (4.6
  • Antares, in the constellation of Scorpius, is now the most isolated first-magnitude sta
  • Myoxocephalus scorpius, known variously as the shorthorn sculpin, sh
  • any of the bright stars in the constellations Scorpius, Lupus, Centaurus, and Crux are members of th
  • It is located in the constellation of Scorpius, near the bright star Theta Scorpii.
  • ately 60 solar masses, and is a member of the Scorpius OB1 association, and the open star cluster NG
  • erms, the Southern Cross is on the right, and Scorpius on the left; the head of the emu is the Coals
  • either on the border between Sagittarius and Scorpius or inside Scorpius: EXMS B1754-338A, EXMS B17
  • (HEAO 1) and GPS 1754-337 (EXOSAT) may be in Scorpius or have some portion of their error boxes ins
  • ,230 light-years away in the constellation of Scorpius, orbiting the star OGLE-2007-BLG-368L.
  • 162 light-years away in the constellation of Scorpius, orbiting the 7th magnitude F-type main seque
  • constellations composed of Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpius, Sagittarius, Capricornus, Aquarius, Pisces,
  • al constellations (Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpius, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Ar
  • tail of apertural view of the shell of Lambis scorpius scorpius.
  • that are not any of the early, designated Scorpius sources: Scorpius X-1 (Scorpius XR-1), Scorpi
  • WASP-17b is an exoplanet in the constellation Scorpius that is orbiting the star WASP-17.
  • stars, and lies between Virgo to the west and Scorpius to the east.
  • oups range in age from 5 million years (Upper Scorpius) to roughly 15 million years (Upper Centaurus
  • ciation is composed of three subgroups (Upper Scorpius, Upper Centaurus-Lupus, and Lower Centaurus-C
  • 1-45 which is just inside the IAU boundary of Scorpius with the constellation Ara.
  • he observation of a single flare episode from Scorpius X-1, the first observation of an extrasolar X
  • Although Scorpius X-2 is mentioned separately from Scorpius XR-
  • Scorpius X-3 (Sco X-3) is the designation for the thir
  • position of Scorpius X-3 is exactly at the center.
  • A position for Scorpius X-3 has been confirmed several times at J1950
  • converter, the epoch 2000 J2000.0 location of Scorpius X-3 becomes RA 17h 26m 33.71s Dec -42° 14′ 33
  • The position for Scorpius X-3 has been confirmed several times in equat
  • Scorpius X-4 is described as having been reported at l
  • Scorpius X-4 (Sco X-4) is a designation for one of the
  • estial X-ray Sources do not have an entry for Scorpius X-4.
  • catalogs 1ASE or 2ASE, where the designation Scorpius X-5 is not carried forward into subsequent ca
  • 3' x 3' field exactly centered on 4U 1715-39, Scorpius X-5.
  • lier sources discovered by the same group are Scorpius XR-1 and Scorpius XR-2.
  • es of the SIMBAD database that are within the Scorpius XR-2 error box.
  • Scorpius XR-3 has been observed at B1950.0 RA 17h 23m
  • Scorpius XR-3 (Sco XR-3) is a third such astronomical
  • Main article: Scorpius XR-3
  • It is likely that Scorpius XR-4 has been changed to Scorpius X-4, and th
  • HEAO 1 A1 detected no X-ray source near Scorpius XR-4 nor Sco XR-4.
  • Scorpius XR-4, or Sco XR-4 is the designation for the
  • K2001] 11631c, is within the error circle for Scorpius XR-4.
  • database that are within the error circle for Scorpius XR-4.
  • SIMBAD database within the 4° error circle of Scorpius XR-4.
  • position for Scorpius XR-5 is RA 17h 40m 30.44s
  • Scorpius XR-5, or Sco XR-5, is the designation for the