



  • He was well received; promised a secretaryship and a good salary, but nothing came of it.
  • n, Hertfordshire, in 1830, he resigned his secretaryship, but continued to lecture and preach, both
  • nance; corporate administration; corporate secretaryship; company law, accounting, taxation and man
  • 877 he became Bismarck's lieutenant in the secretaryship for foreign affairs of the Empire; and in
  • of a judgeship from Gladstone and the Home Secretaryship from the Conservatives, he was in 1887 app
  • 1948, contested the TGWU Assistant General Secretaryship in 1948 and 1955, securing the position on
  • Horner was offered a Treasury secretaryship in 1811 when Lord Grenville was attempting
  • f the Rugby Union, and the latter held the secretaryship in 1874, during A. G. Guillemard's tempora
  • The Secretaryship of State for War and the Colonies is split
  • Henry Dundas takes the new Secretaryship of State for War, while the Duke of Portla
  • In 1980 he was ousted from the Secretaryship of the Conservative backbench European Com
  • rly in 1625 Sir George Calvert gave up the secretaryship of state for a substantial consideration,
  • He succeeded to the Secretaryship of the Asiatic Society on H. H. Wilson's r
  • Although he was offered the Secretaryship of War in the Administration of President
  • ained this position in connection with the secretaryship of the Farmers' Club until his death.
  • Mr Mitchell resigned the secretaryship of the Rovers because of difference of opi
  • nd at age 26, also in 1845, he took on the secretaryship of the Trent Valley Railway, which was sol
  • of the Duchy of Lancaster and then for the secretaryship of state for India, a post he retained dur
  • nd it is to be noted that it was under his Secretaryship that Communist Party came to power in the
  • and shortly thereafter took charge of the secretaryship until 1938.
  • During Brezhnev's General Secretaryship Victoria remained at the sidelines; she di
  • levy impositions, and other events of his secretaryship were the inquiry into the murder of Sir Th