



  • r reversal may unscrew the joints of the pump shafting, causing the shafting to lengthen and buckle
  • failure caused the complex transmissions and shafting connecting all four engines to both propeller
  • by transferring some of the soft PTFE to the shafting during the run-in process.
  • Horizontal steam engine for driving the line shafting in the mill.
  • A stretch of several hundred feet of shafting may require a lift at the top of the well, wh
  • upported by circular mullions, well preserved shafting on the interior windows with capitals, both c
  • There was the storm rolling and sweeping and shafting out its lightning over the Yorkshire hills.
  • wered by leather drive belts attached to line shafting, which in turn ran to a steam plant.
  • and James Lillie, designed and installed the shafting, which was unusual as the wings of the mill w