



  • By the age of five, she had a mustache and sideburns and became well known as the "Bearded Girl."
  • n hair color and length (no more than 2 inch sideburns and bangs for males) no visible tattoos or m
  • Sideburns, as well as any facial hair, are not allowed
  • Gaz was noticeable for his large sideburns during the 1990s.
  • Beatsteaks, Peter Pan Speedrock, The Flaming Sideburns, Rose Tattoo and in 2009 they support the Am
  • nce of a slicked comb over, long mutton chop sideburns, tight brown T-shirt, and underbite.
  • mark deerstalker hat, tweed jacket and large sideburns, which he calls his wackers, he affects the