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  • g because it can cause severe (sometimes fatal) skin reactions in HIV positive patients.
  • n cold), headache, nausea, hypersensitivity and skin reactions, have been observed in clinical studi
  • edation), asthenia, vasodilatation, and rarely, skin reactions.
  • Skin Reactions: Rashes, Pruritus, urticaria or photo
  • Under My Skin received an average rating of 65, reflecting a
  • ople wearing the concoction on places where the skin receives UV radiation was radiated by the sun n
  • brownish-black megapode with a bare red facial skin, red comb, maroon rump and chestnut brown below
  • ed to cause rosacea (a disease of severe facial skin redness and irritation).
  • slowly hydrolyzed once it is absorbed into the skin, regenerating tocopherol and providing protecti
  • treatment of superficial tumors like cancer of skin regions, or total skin (e.g.
  • Liquid Skin, released in September 1999, is the second albu
  • A pack of 1,000 pieces of goldbeater's skin requires the gut of about 400 oxen, and is only
  • ed edible red pulpy fruit with a black and thin skin, resembles a large plum in appearance, being ov
  • functions, experiments dealing with electrical skin resistance and research involving innervation o
  • t through the body, reads minute differences in skin resistance which in turn is influenced by the p
  • skin resistance
  • It is particularly used for infections of the skin, respiratory system and mammary glands, as well
  • Clocker for clock, galvanic skin response sensor & digital delay system, is a pi
  • icking, with the delay controlled by a galvanic skin response sensor (GSR).
  • 9 cm, its scales are small and embedded in the skin, resulting in a noticeably leathery texture (th
  • and post-operative discomfort compared to other skin resurfacing methods.
  • Skin resurfacing can also be performed with a plasma
  • mental retardation, epilepsy and tumors of the skin, retina, heart, kidney and the central nervous
  • After its absorption into the skin, retinyl palmitate is converted to retinol, and
  • It is characterised by the absence of a skin ridge round the body, and its nearly smooth ski
  • Tofu skin roll or Tofu roll is a dim sum dish.
  • Tofu skin roll in dim sum cuisine
  • cats show a number of typical signs, including skin rolling or twitching, self-directed pouncing, o
  • U. sikorae has flaps of skin, running the length of its body, head and limbs
  • These spines have been reconstructed supporting skin sails, but the "skin sail" hypothesis was rejec
  • It is also known as walking dandruff due to skin scales being carried by the mites.
  • finding the mites or eggs microscopically in a skin scraping, combing, or on acetate tape applied t
  • ing surgery(either liposuction, gland excision, skin sculpture, reduction mammoplasty, or a combinat
  • of the finalists in ABS-CBN's ASAP Pond's Soft Skin Search wherein she lost over the Jaboom Twins.
  • s a male figure with garlanded head and leopard skin, seated in an idyllic landscape.
  • This alkaloid skin secretion was first isolated from the tropical
  • Hipposudoric acid is a red pigment found in the skin secretions of the hippopotamus; although the se
  • human ancestors and that from UV-exposed human skin secretions early humans ingested vitamin D by l
  • , as they have been shown to be responsible for skin sensitation reactions.
  • al plant components; an agent known to increase skin sensitivity to sunlight and may cause dermatiti
  • letter to The Field, based on examination of a skin sent to him by W. S. Millard, the Secretary of
  • assembly of self-supporting fibers with a dense skin separation layers, and more open matrix helping
  • he glands of poisonous alkaloids located in the skin serve as a defense mechanism to potential preda
  • Both the lungs and the skin serve as respiratory organs in amphibians.
  • make me over" during his time at the Celebrity Skin sessions.
  • ory, as each track can use a separate template, skin, set of users, etc.
  • eight and maneuverable, it was made out of seal skin sewed only by Aleut women, over a frame made st
  • to select the fine leather skins-with crocodile skin shoes for about USD 8000 at the top of the rang
  • ering their right shoulders, and walk in animal skin shoes.
  • Its skin should not be baggy like that of a Bloodhound.
  • (And an additional 21,000 hectares of its white skin sibling, Villard blanc).
  • The beak, eye skin, side of the throat, legs, feet and parts of th
  • ority, while the serpent, which in shedding its skin signifies rebirth and fertility.
  • The plumcot has a very smooth skin similar to a plum.
  • Dry and scaly skin similar to all other ichtyosiforms (types of ic
  • Skin smooth above, granular beneath; a strong tuberc
  • Skin smooth, with more or less distinct rows of pore
  • ooth forceps he would lift up a little piece of skin, snip it off with scissors, grind it into a flu
  • t. Martin's School of Art, as “very thin with a skin so white it almost had a greenish tinge”.
  • th in order to work at perfecting his synthetic skin so he may lead a normal life.
  • 5 is an insect repellent found in Avon Products Skin So Soft line of topical insect repellents.
  • They looked like ghosts - black turtlenecks and skin so white that it looked like yogurt.
  • undergo a metamorphosis; some cast (shed) their skin; some appear to live promiscuously on land or i
  • These zombies are stripped of their outer skin, some body tissue, and most or all organs, leav
  • included fatigue, headache, cough, and unusual skin sores.
  • At present Dr.P Kesava Reddy is practising as a skin specialist in a private hospital.
  • Dr. Khalid khan is working as skin specialist.
  • It is known that in 1838, 2 skin specimens were received by the British Museum.
  • irected the gritty suburban thriller film Metal Skin, starring Ben Mendelsohn, and later directed th
  • If skin starts to burn when wearing wash off & do not u
  • If the skin starts to dry out stop reduce your applications
  • His skin starts peeling off like a snake and Raju advise
  • d use, including tinea incognito (fungus of the skin), steroid induced telengiectasia, steroid induc
  • This apple has a greenish-yellow to orange skin streaked with red.
  • All these skin stressors damage the skin.
  • This spindle-shaped receptor is sensitive to skin stretch, and contributes to the kinesthetic sen
  • f drum made from a section of giant bamboo with skin stretched over the ends.
  • ans of a very fine membrane similar to an onion skin stretched across the aperture like the vellum o
  • ood, open at one end and having a sheep or goat skin stretched across the other... .
  • t her assistants to moisturise her, Cassandra's skin stretched and exploded, apparently killing her
  • The reflective glass skin stretches between a generously-scaled black gra
  • levels decrease over time leading to a loss in skin structure and suppleness.
  • It is a sort of sausage made from chicken neck skin stuffed with flour, schmaltz, internal meats (c
  • This was where the leopard skin style of clothing came from because it was cons
  • Besnoitiosis is "a protozoan disease of the skin, subcutis, blood vessels, mucous membranes, and
  • The genesis of tissue engineered products as skin substitutes began more than 20 years ago with i
  • dely employed in the construction of artificial skin substitutes used in the management of severe bu
  • Synthethic skin substitutes, reconstructive surgery, advanced s
  • osures are caused by absorption through exposed skin such as the face, hands, forearms, neck, and ch
  • der usually bites only when pressed against the skin, such as when tangled up within clothes, towels
  • red 75 operations in 22 years, after 25% of his skin suffered third degree burns.
  • (2001) and award-winning television drama Fish Skin Suit (2003).
  • However, in 1974, he introduced the one-piece skin suit into speed skating.
  • during use, as it will quickly give any exposed skin sunburn and may cause cataracts.)
  • nerve in the tarsal tunnel, are just below the skin surface and can be tested for pathology with el
  • eyletiella is a genus of mites that live on the skin surface of dogs, cats, rabbits, and humans.
  • hair tensile strength, have positive effect on skin surface and skin mechanical properties, and on
  • on hatching, the 6-legged larvae migrate to the skin surface and then burrow into molting pouches (t
  • ically lodged in the small capillaries near the skin surface of the face and head.
  • nalyzed concentrations of various lipids on the skin surface by collecting samples in a gauze pad se
  • If prolonged use of a topical steroid on a skin surface is required, it should be used on a wee
  • palmitoleic acid and vaccenic acid found on the skin surface, were oxidatively decomposed to 2-nonen
  • r may lead to an accelerated dehydration of the skin surface, thereby affecting the viability" of th
  • when it comes into contact with bacteria on the skin surface.
  • almitoleic acid and vaccenic acid, found on the skin surface.
  • Malassezia is naturally found on the skin surfaces of many animals, including humans.
  • Sufferers typically chew the skin surrounding their fingernails and joints.
  • e a pimp and played a guitar covered in leopard skin; swagger and soulful strut was a brisk rejoinde
  • It takes the form of a skin tag just in front of the ear, and is found in a
  • normalities, highly arched palate, preauricular skin tags and small mandible.
  • ly, agenesis of the corpus callosum, and facial skin tags.
  • roaxonal dystrophy from birth, discoloration of skin, Telangiectasia or widening of blood vessels.
  • rature stimulator which showed that a decreased skin temperature produced cool sensations from local
  • display a "neutral" color at the average human skin temperature, which is approximately 98.6 °F (37
  • y temperature, heart rate, respiration rate and skin temperature.
  • heart function, breathing, muscle activity, and skin temperature.
  • of Mach 3+ cruising flight generates very high skin temperatures, therefore this special fuel was n
  • hop of the Waterlily Rock Bound Church, the Red Skin Temple of the Cayuse Nation" in order to take a
  • The gold beater skin test is used to assess the tanning properties o
  • ylpenicilloyl polylysine (Pre-Pen) is used as a skin test before the administration of penicillin.
  • Shambo tested positive during a routine skin test in April 2007.
  • d cannot be applied if Mantoux test (tuberculin skin test) has been done within the last 30 days, be
  • 5-9% of bakers have a positive skin test, and a fourth to a third of bakers with br
  • The experiments in Block 10 ranged from skin testing for reaction to relatively gentle subst
  • ified protein derivative (PPD) solution used in skin testing for tuberculosis exposure
  • lding is covered with a 5000 square meter glass skin that consists of 1100 glass panels.
  • Angelo Espinosa/Skin (Austin Rodriguez) has skin that can stretch in a variety of different ways
  • ostrils preceded by laterally enlarged flaps of skin that do not reach the mouth.
  • Sweetface (Angela) has skin that is covered with flesh-colored tentacles.
  • vibacterium linens, the same one found on human skin that is partially responsible for body odor.
  • r or grey in colour with dark hooves and a dark skin that reduces the chance of eye cancer and sunbu
  • out a metre in height, Elves have pointed ears, skin that is brown rather than Tolkien's fair or the
  • woman who was so conscious of the colour of her skin that she missed out on the love of a good man.
  • It has smooth skin that turns yellow orange at maturity with some
  • tom of vitiligo is depigmentation of patches of skin that occurs on the extremities.
  • look like a sheet of fats, like a thick fibrous skin that can be removed (see picture).
  • Armor: Hosts produce organic metal over their skin that serves as a protective shell.
  • ted it had retained prominent blue spots on the skin that had been progressively bred out of other w
  • The dead skin that fuels this process is especially common on
  • out of the case, as these are covered in a hard skin that is coloured in a light and dark brown patt
  • To manufacture goldbeater's skin, the gut of oxen (or other cattle) is soaked in
  • He was a great hunter and would skin the animals that He killed and wear their skins
  • They then order a butcher to skin the bandit alive.
  • e said, "remember, Japanese is a disease of the skin, the communists are the disease of the heart."
  • y two places in the world with blue low-e glass skin, the other being the Reuters Building in New Yo
  • oon, For Once in My Life, I've Got You Under My Skin, The Girl From Ipanema, Unchained Melody, All B
  • Black Widow, Here and Now, Hawkwind, Steel and Skin, The Lines, Waiting for Arnold, Play Dead, Caul
  • As soon as the saw tore his skin, the vampire screamed and blood started to flow
  • ed Smith's comments in his 1989 book Out Of His Skin: The John Barnes Phenomenon.
  • In the human skin, the dermal papillae (DP) (singular papilla, di
  • agents, capable of exerting effects through the skin, the eyes and respiratory tract.
  • The skin, the intestines, the eyes, the kidneys, the ova
  • volved, along with Jon Fugler, in a band called Skin, the lineup to this band consisting of Jon Fugl
  • ellow aril, and a thick, leathery orange or red skin; the fruit apart from the aril is very poisonou
  • their teeth are built for piercing and draining skin, their stomachs can expand to hold as much as h
  • of Joseph Merrick in his book, Diseases of the Skin: their Description, Pathology, Diagnosis and Tr
  • s a snack by peeling off the outer layer of the skin, then cut it up into bite sizes and eat it just
  • The psoralen is applied first to sensitise the skin, then UVA light is applied to clean up the skin
  • refully with layers of stuffing, meat, fat, and skin, then rolled, spitted, and roasted, traditional
  • If he breaks the skin then something bad will happen.
  • However, because of the condition of the tanned skin, there was no way to determine the ethnic origi
  • o Fulci filmed scenes for A Lizard in a Woman's Skin there.
  • It is meant to resemble shark's skin; therefore, it has tiny triangular projections
  • When they shed their skin, they bloat themselves and make a coughing soun
  • s, who were larger, more powerful and had black skin; they called smaller and weaker Orcs snaga ("sl
  • typical Jewish features: black curly hair, oily skin, thick lips, and a large, hooked nose, an effem
  • ernative is to apply an insect repellent to the skin; this also may be less effective (reducing rath
  • cosmetics and health products for the hair and skin, though it cannot be absorbed through the hair
  • egs and roughly humanoid in shape, it has black skin, three arms without hands or fingers, five rows
  • by those who've encountered the "monster": gray skin, three-toed tracks, summer molting and a farm a
  • It is continuous with the skin through the nares, and with the mucous membrane
  • conical tents made from birch bark or reindeer skin tied to birch poles.
  • ts called zentai entirely immerse the wearer in skin tight fabric.
  • he is wearing a black leather jacket, and black skin tight knee length leather pants, with leopard p
  • Their Mercury debut, Skin Tight, would be released a few months later.
  • coullar; Mark Medoff's Stumps; Gary Henderson's Skin Tight; Ken Duncum's Cherish; Buried Child; Cons
  • growth failure, peculiar facial appearance with skin tightly adherent to facial bones, generalized l
  • where the breath catches, the eyes fill and the skin tingles . . .
  • liquid outflow, bone tissue biopsy, and excised skin tissue from a 31-year-old woman who suffered an
  • aracterisation in wine or in the grape seed and skin tissues.
  • ed us to bury him in the ground - he wanted his skin to become pale.
  • Place knife between thigh and body; cut through skin to joint.
  • Frequent exposure of the skin to chromyl chloride may result in ulceration.
  • creatures that crawled out of the sea and grew skin to protect themselves from the sun.
  • The line of change from vulvar skin to the smoother transitional skin of the vulva
  • h, then crushed a lighted cigarette against her skin to see whether she was dead.
  • e for Chiba, and literally peels away Paprika's skin to reveal Chiba underneath.
  • , she will build an egg chamber under the fruit skin to receive the egg.
  • Any odor present may range from that of dried skin to wet fur.
  • le palm with the fingers properly placed on the skin to produce different bols.
  • Although it takes several months for the skin to regain the exact texture and color before th
  • wo lines of raised scales, and patches of scaly skin to help it grip trees, but the rest of its body
  • Elastin helps skin to return to its original position when it is p
  • loration, irregular shape, tendency of the thin skin to allow bruising, and lack of disease resistan
  • In this respect, he is a brother under the skin to Gilbert Ryle and Quine (in his better moment
  • e is not oxidized and can penetrate through the skin to the living cells, where about 5% is converte
  • site to attract male talent for his adult film Skin to Skin, using the "unheard of" pairing of an A
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