



  • Spadix about 3/5 as long as the spathe, flowering par
  • greenish-yellow inflorescence is produced on a spadix about 4-6 cm long, enclosed in a white spathe.
  • Abbott's Duiker (Cephalophus spadix also known as Minde in Swahili) is a large for
  • It has a short spadix and the leaves are glaucous.
  • ctly superimposed male and female cones on the spadix and because there are no bisexual flowers and
  • The spathes of Remusatia are yellow and the spadix are white with a fragrance except for Remusati
  • The plant, including the spadix, contains needle-shaped crystals of calcium ox
  • The spathes are green and the spadix has a zone of female flowers that runs down ha
  • The spathe is white with purple spots and the spadix has red spots.
  • is characterised by a large purple spathe and spadix has a very unpleasant smell reminiscent of a c
  • Talorchestia spadix Hurley, 1956
  • Asota spadix is a moth of the Noctuidae family.
  • The spadix is egg shaped, red, and has spikey male flower
  • The spadix is cylindrical and has cavities into which the
  • The Sooty-headed Wren (Pheugopedius spadix) is a species of bird in the Troglodytidae fam
  • The Lowland Tree Kangaroo (Dendrolagus spadix) is a species of marsupial in the Macropodidae
  • The lower part of the spadix is covered with female flowers that are reduce
  • The spadix is 1.5 to 4.5 cm long and can be up to 2 times
  • The plant's spadix is collected and cooked in North East India, M
  • wers: a densely crowded inflorescence called a spadix is subtended by one large bract called a spath
  • lant with a yellow spathe surrounding a yellow spadix, occasionally followed by a spike of bright ye
  • are characterised by a large purple spathe and spadix, often produced in advance of the pedate, dark
  • It has hot pink spathes with dark spadix that has tones of pink.