



  • Stamen and pistil are spaced too far apart for self-f
  • Its stamen are around 22 mm long.
  • The stamen are enclosed in the corona.
  • The stamen bases are white.
  • mber of stamens, beginning with Monandria (one stamen), Diandria (two stamens), etc. up to Decandria
  • The base of each tepal is white (as are the stamen filaments), producing a white 'eye'.
  • The flower's single fertile stamen has a massive anther.
  • It is sometimes called beardtongue, as the stamen has small tufts of "hair".
  • lies the third petal; it too, is joined to the stamen tube, but it is larger, and fringed.
  • Solitary stamen, upright wooly ovaries with no style.