



  • ng "indirect ophthalmoscopy" to allow for a stereoscopic and wider view of the fundus of the eye.
  • In 1852, he invented the stereoscopic camera (GB patent 2064/1852).
  • A stereoscopic camera system recorded the movements of the
  • irect and simple calculation (as opposed to stereoscopic camera systems whose range is interpolated)
  • NIR images taken by ASTER using single-pass stereoscopic correlation techniques, with terrain elevat
  • vision, resulting in inability to perceive stereoscopic depth by combining and comparing images fro
  • pecializing in high-definition, live-action stereoscopic digital 3D.
  • Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems (1994)
  • Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems V (199
  • Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems IX (20
  • Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems IV (19
  • Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XIX (2008) Proc.
  • Stereoscopic Displays and Applications IV (1993) Proc.
  • Stereoscopic Displays and Applications III (1992) Proc.
  • al Film Board of Canada using IMAX's Sandde stereoscopic drawing system, and it won a Canadian Genie
  • ke moving background to provide an illusory stereoscopic effect.
  • Nanosaur 2 is the first stereoscopic game released for the Mac.
  • uses circularly polarized light to produce stereoscopic image projection.
  • that fit over the PSP's screen, creating a stereoscopic image.
  • istence of vision, thereby creating a true, stereoscopic image.
  • ble up to 26 degrees across track to obtain stereoscopic imagery and achieve five day revisit capabi
  • ne projector can display the left and right stereoscopic images simultaneously.
  • -dimensional photographs, he began creating stereoscopic images that allowed viewers to see the Dell
  • 3D V1 is a Digital photo frame for viewing stereoscopic images, typically those captured on the Fuj
  • stereoscopic imaging of clouds and other atmospheric str
  • re to demonstrate formation flying, provide stereoscopic imaging of cloud formations, and demonstrat
  • e for the left and right views required for stereoscopic imaging.
  • was knocked over, lighting gasoline from a stereoscopic machine.
  • Teleview was a process for producing stereoscopic motion pictures, invented in 1922 by Cornel
  • 1891 Printing process for stereoscopic photographs (for continuously contact print
  • also introduced a wide angle lens and some stereoscopic photography accessories that could replace
  • ackfire was their next and final attempt at stereoscopic photography.
  • ot all two-lens cameras are used for taking stereoscopic photos.
  • "Of the stereoscopic pictures many of those exhibited by Mr. Del
  • According to Bill Jay, Blanchard "took stereoscopic pictures, cartes-de-visite, 'quality' portr
  • They are the stereoscopic producers of Moomins and the Comet Chase, t
  • This method of stereoscopic projection is called wavelength multiplex v
  • utilized alternate-frame sequencing form of stereoscopic projection.
  • d meditation (complete with trance-inducing stereoscopic sound) or a doorway to a world of spirit en
  • It is the first stereoscopic stop-motion animated movie.
  • ure of ~40 h live-time with the High Energy Stereoscopic System (HESS) array of atmospheric-Cherenko
  • M7 stereoscopic trainer
  • l production including generation of the 3D stereoscopic version.
  • 3DS (a tool for Protein Visualization in 3D stereoscopic view in anaglyth and other modes).
  • Stereoscopic view from the 1870s.
  • File:Stamaba views with other relics stereoscopic view.jpg
  • Stereoscopic viewing is based on delivery of slightly di
  • n contrast to binoculars, it does not allow stereoscopic viewing, as both images are produced by the
  • "He brings with him many beautiful stereoscopic views of the mountains, peaks, hills, gulch
  • the world's most extensive manufacturer of stereoscopic views.
  • ey possessed more advanced features such as stereoscopic vision and ape-like teeth and jaws, clearly
  • ned forward suggest that there was somewhat stereoscopic vision, i.e., an overlap in the visual fiel
  • bons, it had a short tail, and only partial stereoscopic vision.
  • loped a fish-eye camera and used it to take stereoscopic whole-sky images, recording cloud patterns