



  • rk, murky, buzzing record that simultaneously subverts and pays tribute to heavy metal."
  • "Madonna subverts everything for her own gain.
  • ommon term for any programming technique that subverts or circumvents the type system of a programmi
  • posed as totalities: the kingdom of God which subverts sin, against the totalitarian humanist state
  • ers state security, that leaks state secrets, subverts state power, that damages national unity," sa
  • It is a tongue-in-cheek song that subverts the Oi! genre, a subgenre of punk popular amo
  • Maroon Dam subverts the waters of Burnett Creek, a tributary of L
  • Karma Yoga, the path of selfless action that subverts the ego and enforces understanding of the uni
  • When Vidyanand resists, the politician subverts Vidyanand's own colleagues to implicate him f