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  • Erskine strongly supported Campbell, and went further in doctrine.
  • Doer has supported Canada's military mission in Afghanistan, de
  • In 1999, Axworthy supported Canada's involvement in NATO's bombing campa
  • erved to create a powerful ally, who in turn supported Canute's power position.
  • t unions and supplant them with unions which supported capitalism.
  • erature monitoring and fan speed control (on supported cards)
  • In 877, Charles died and Lambert supported Carloman of Bavaria over Charles' heir, Loui
  • After Louis's death, at first he supported Carloman of Bavaria for the Italian throne.
  • Nara supported Carlos Lyra's nationalist vertent of the bos
  • set course for the northern Palaus where she supported carrier air sweeps and strikes.
  • She and her sister Eleanor Brooksby supported Catholic priests by renting houses where pri
  • iberal" bishop in the House of Lords, and he supported Catholic emancipation.
  • rd Somerset, 4th Earl of Worcester, and both supported Catholic activities in Wales.
  • uncil's decision, which Fratesi had strongly supported, caused controversy within the town and acro
  • Ouyang supported Cen.
  • Hogg supported Chamberlain's appeasement policy.
  • Heathcoat-Amory supported Chamberlain's appeasement policy.
  • Beckham supported Chandler's bid, and in return Chandler appoi
  • As of October 2010, Squidoo's list of supported charities exceeds 200.
  • During the war of 1919-1923, she supported charity organisations, schools, hospitals an
  • oo Fighters no longer list Alive & Well as a supported charity on their website as of 2008.
  • In 1987, he supported Chaviva Hosek's successful bid for the Oakwo
  • As of 2010, both Git and Monotone have supported cherry picking for some time.
  • The city supported Chief Hurtt's new policy and approved $150,0
  • In it he alleged that Goddard himself supported child pornography.
  • Brand supported children of poor parents, and put them to tr
  • Kiuas also supported Children of Bodom in their show at London's
  • Tony Parsons of the Daily Mirror supported China's strong stance against drug peddling,
  • Deng Xiaoping in China the CPA(ML) no longer supported Chinese policies, and became a supporter of
  • The sons of Penda not only supported Christian missionaries but invested heavily
  • WKJV is a listener supported Christian radio station licensed in Ashevill
  • to churches, Faith Church is the fourth most supported church in Hungary.
  • As Duchess, Christine supported churches and schools and scholarships to poo
  • He also organized and supported civil society initiatives in Montenegro and
  • Arends, however, supported civil rights legislation.
  • rriage' that he is hung up on" (John Edwards supported civil unions, while Elizabeth Edwards had st
  • He supported civil rights moves and objected to President
  • as indicated by mtDNA phylogeny showing two supported clades (Johnson et al. 2005), biogeography,
  • The following artillery units supported Claret operations by providing guns and obse
  • Grafftey supported Clark in the 1983 PC leadership convention,
  • ubsequently ordered to Mobile Bay, Narcissus supported clean-up operations following the great Unio
  • which comprised 4 percent of the electorate, supported Clinton by a margin of 55-45.
  • Bradford was once again the best supported club, with an average of over 15,000.
  • They are the most successful and most supported clubs in Northern Irish Football.
  • and Manchester United are the most commonly supported clubs.
  • He also supported Coleman Hawkins's popularity in the Netherla
  • He supported Colley, and later Desmond O'Malley, in vario
  • the November 2008 presidential election also supported Colombia.
  • , Daggett consistently opposed education and supported colonization for free blacks.
  • the University of Basel where for a time he supported communism.
  • This branch library is part of a very well supported community library system in Madison County.
  • CIAM-FM is a listener supported community broadcast.
  • Some high-end models have also supported CompactFlash.
  • ommonly installed libraries dealing with the supported compression formats.
  • UPS supported Computer Lab with 65 computers and 2 servers
  • Supported computers-Power Mac G3, G4, G4 Cube, iMac G3
  • Supported Computers: Power Macintosh G3, G3 B&W, G4, G
  • During his tenure, he supported Confederate conscription, working to draft a
  • He supported Confederation and continued to represent Ott
  • Though he supported confederation and the federal Conservatives
  • Chandler supported Confederation and was elected again in 1866.
  • Although originally a Liberal, he later supported Confederation and became a Liberal-Conservat
  • Wade supported Confederation which led to his defeat when h
  • He supported Confederation but would have preferred a leg
  • He supported Confederation.
  • The Society has supported conferences organised by evangelical churche
  • Bhulabhai among others supported Congress participation, pointing out the gre
  • At first, they only supported connections to Progress databases, but this
  • During World War I he supported conscription.
  • , several years after he left Parliament, he supported Conservative party candidate Dave Van Kester
  • to his fiscal conservatism, Holyday has also supported conservative policies in other fields.
  • ative party of the day, and accordingly Hall supported conservative positions.
  • m Amalfi, Gaeta, Rome, and the Provence also supported Constantine VII.
  • e son of Bonitus, a Frankish general who had supported Constantine I against Licinius.
  • During his brief tenure, Crane supported construction of the Wyoming Home and Hospita
  • Wegener has supported continuing efforts to promote the Oklahoma B
  • Her research has been supported continuously since 1974 by the Natural Scien
  • Gradually, instability probably supported convective activity, and the cyclone slowly
  • Donohue also accused those who supported Cook of anti-Catholic bigotry, and sent a le
  • on which is the replacement of its no-longer supported counterpart teTeX.
  • s, head of the CPUSA's secret apparatus, and supported Cpl.
  • The National Trust supported Craig in her running of the museum from 1939
  • The army's commander, the Earl of Manchester supported Crawford and the official position.
  • A citizens group supported creation of the living history museum.
  • d after Ray Roberts (a local congressman who supported creation of the lake) in 1980.
  • It also supported creation of a "National Board of Arbitration
  • y has a public house, The Harrow, and a well supported cricket club The West Ilsley Cricket Club.
  • ern Pacific deployment of 1985-1986, Cavalla supported critical dry deck shelter operations for SEA
  • He also supported Croatian Spring in early 1970-is and after t
  • He still supported Cromwell and aided in the dissolution of the
  • Crombie was eliminated, and supported Crosbie.
  • He supported Crown Prince Christian Frederick of Denmark
  • He opposed Berengar of Friuli and supported crowning the Frank Guy III of Spoleto as Kin
  • She has supported cultural exchange programs with the Dominica
  • built hospitals and shelters for the needy, supported cultural institutions and were patrons of in
  • s cystic fibrosis, and as a result, Hill has supported cystic fibrosis research by appearing at fun
  • ha and the National German-American Alliance supported Dahlman by providing him with 70% of their v
  • In 1996, he supported Dalton McGuinty's successful bid to lead the
  • Thomas supported Dan Vandal's bid to become his successor in
  • In 2005, Onehundredhours supported Daniel Bedingfield on his UK & European tour
  • Cindy has supported Darren since his arrest by visiting him in j
  • The system implements each supported database environment as a DBD driver, in muc
  • Wide choice of supported databases (MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, DB2, M
  • t Access and MySQL were added to the list of supported databases.
  • ries in LINQ and run them against any of the supported databases.
  • He supported Dave Barrett for the leadership of the feder
  • Wyers later supported David Patterson's bid for re-election as Ont
  • Jack Straw - nominated Diane Abbott and supported David Milliband, former Justice Secretary an
  • y Leader in 2007; He nominated Diane Abbott, supported David Miliband,
  • Alistair Darling - supported David Miliband former Chancellor of the Exch
  • McMains and Foster supported David Boneno, a member of the Baton Rouge me
  • In February and March 1973 they supported David Bowie on his US leg of the Ziggy Stard
  • Barrie financially supported Davies and his brothers following the death
  • Dr. Flandro's work has supported decades of space flight and has led to succe
  • new language constructs to Java, but instead supported declaration of aspects within Java annotatio
  • ed on legalization of marijuana, but he also supported demalgimation and keeping City Hall in Jacks
  • The final brush comes over a widely supported demand that questions concerning the adminis
  • he Nova Scotia House of Assembly in 1836 and supported demands for responsible government.
  • In 1992, it supported Democrat Bill Clinton for president and has
  • mps were a group of Republican activists who supported Democratic candidate Grover Cleveland in the
  • Eagleton also strongly supported Democratic Senate candidate Claire McCaskill
  • He said his father supported democratic efforts instead of armed confront
  • He has supported Democrats and Republicans almost equally.
  • Many people supported demolishing it after the war to create space
  • ter sailing to Kerama Retto on 10 April, she supported demolition operations on Ie Shima from 16 to
  • Bernier initially supported Dennis Timbrell in the Progressive Conservat
  • In 1984 the band supported Depeche Mode on their UK and European tour.
  • nal purpose of this element was never widely supported; deprecated in favor of <ul>.
  • Many who supported desegregation saw Wallace's speech as "indef
  • , which allows the user to stream music to a supported device wirelessly over Bluetooth.
  • Supported devices include the Hitachi HD44780 Controll
  • They also supported Diamond Head at Manchester's Free Trade Hall
  • lot before he would have been forced to, and supported Dion.
  • otland's five national performing companies, supported directly by the Scottish Government (previou
  • They supported Dirty Pretty Things while they toured in spr
  • On February 2006 they supported Dismember in their European tour.
  • Both Puckering and his wife supported distressed cavaliers.
  • It supported DJMax Portable style single-player mode and
  • In 2003, Su openly supported DPP candidate Chen Shui-bian in the 2004 pre
  • The band once again supported Dream Theater as their opening act for the M
  • He ran as a Democrat who supported drilling in ANWR, in contrast to most Democr
  • critical consensus of the album, it would be supported during the band's first-ever tour in the U.S
  • The Albanian units were supported during the battle by 300 local volunteers.
  • at personal friends, to the extent that they supported each other professionally.
  • Corzine also has supported early New Jersey efforts at gun control.
  • egislator, and she criticized him for having supported earmarks.
  • The band supported East 17 on their "Around the World" tour in
  • British colonial government but, as one part supported economic boycotts of British products, the o
  • document called Towards a Just Society which supported economic planning and more government interv
  • Sigeferth and Morcar's friends and allies supported Edmund after this.
  • sue of books in the Lithuanian language, and supported education and Calvinist parishes.
  • ent control and no-fault auto insurance, and supported education vouchers.
  • The program supported education and cooperation, promoted particip
  • In 1968-69, he supported Edward Schreyer to replace Russell Paulley a
  • He supported Edward Schreyer's bid to become party leader
  • All of his officers supported Edwards' contention that the frigate had bee
  • Hague supported Edwards's gubernatorial run in 1919.
  • Supported effects standards
  • n in Afghanistan, particularly in Kabul, and supported efforts to combat terrorism according to res
  • The resolution supported efforts by UNIFIL to monitor violations of t
  • The resolution supported efforts by UNIFIL to monitor violations of t
  • ns and mission organizations have officially supported efforts to develop house church networks.
  • Overall, he seems to have supported efforts at peace between the Ojibwa and Dako
  • They have also supported efforts to educate and combat violence again
  • feated Taft for the nomination; Dirksen then supported Eisenhower's presidential candidacy.
  • But in any case, this height is not supported either by a field survey or by the topo shee
  • In addition, the application must be supported either by a court order or an attestation.
  • ide Festival in Guelph in 2008 and 2010, and supported Elbow on their UK tour in March 2009, a year
  • She also supported electoral reforms, including the abolition o
  • ing agreed that preliminary genetic evidence supported elevating P. epieni at least.
  • In 2006, she supported Elizabeth May in her successful campaign to
  • He supported Elizabeth May and the Green Party of Canada
  • He supported Elizabeth Witmer's bid to lead the Progressi
  • en traveled to the United Kingdom where they supported Elliot Minor and played a handful of headlin
  • rouping, generally described as Ministerial, supported Elliott Lewis, who was Premier for the entir
  • The band also supported Elton John on two European tours.
  • , all up-and-coming, and some had previously supported Embrace on recent tours.
  • Heller supported embryonic stem cell research and categorized
  • He supported Emperor Caligula, and was a favorite of Empe
  • GPS can edit files encoded in all GNAT supported encoding schemas.
  • s recently as April 2008 then-governor Palin supported end-of-life counseling as part of Health Car
  • arolina Constitutional Convention; there, he supported enfrancishement of land-owning Negro citizen
  • He was a strong loyalist and supported England greatly.
  • Moreover he had long supported entering in alliance with Giancarlo Galan's
  • The fund is supported entirely by Bravo!, and the shorts air on Br
  • it and rough graded seating area were built, supported entirely with private monies.
  • embers of the Church of Scotland, Haliburton supported episcopacy, and was an active persecutor of
  • He also supported equal suffrage for men and women.
  • Catalyst is its modern supported equivalent.
  • ges of the bombing, and claimed that Roberts supported Eric Rudolph and excused anti-abortion viole
  • at storage and retrieval of postings is well supported, especially by tagging and extensive filteri
  • He supported European Constitution while considering it l
  • vated minor areas in the region, but nothing supported Evans' theory.
  • el joined rivals Liverpool as a youngster he supported Everton, the club where his father started h
  • SAMS planners have supported every major U.S. military campaign since the
  • He supported expanded use of nuclear energy, ethanol and
  • She also supported expanded transit options.
  • He supported expedited proceedings to grant divorces.
  • and bring this article up to date with more supported facts?
  • it is well-known that many Polish nobles who supported False Dmitry I did not believe his story the
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