



  • Carrier addition is the reverse technique of tracer addition.
  • V-Sense: an injectable fluorocarbon MRI tracer agent that labels leukocytes in situ, enabling
  • Battle of Britain, gun camera film shows tracer ammunition from a Supermarine Spitfire Mark I
  • ives are set up in and around the targets, and tracer ammunition is used.
  • 5.56x45mm NATO - (standard FMJ, tracer and blank ammunition)
  • Scoop can wield Tracer and Holepunch in his robot and power shovel mo
  • x and y are the amounts of the tracer and carrier on the precipitate;
  • a-x and b-y are the concentrations of tracer and carrier after separation;
  • r, a few seconds later, a portal opens and Ray Tracer and another Bob step through, leading to confu
  • , however, a portal opens from the net and Ray Tracer and another Bob steps through.
  • glee Park and Ride Lot a transit hub for local Tracer and regional SMART bus services.
  • lver explains that he fitted The Doctor with a tracer, and he locates him on the sea bed.
  • ission decay products, where it serves as both tracer and potential radiological contaminant.
  • sort of anti-aircraft fire that used a visible tracer, appearing in reports of combat from the Battl
  • ctors and to produce radioactive carbon-14 for tracer applications.
  • Visual Basic for Applications macros, auditing tracer arrows, chart and other graphic objects, custo
  • Wilson owned a 1988 blue Mercury Tracer automobile that she let Vinson use that mornin
  • His tracer bullets were playing about us for fully two se
  • Tracer bullets do not fly quite the same trajectory a
  • sing one leg through phosphorus poisoning from tracer bullets.
  • Tracer burning time: 2 s
  • Tracer burns to at least 2,000 m (2,187 yds).
  • tested a bomb using cobalt as a radiochemical tracer, but was considered a failure.
  • The company has developed a radioactive tracer called 18F-AV-45.
  • the lower the solubility of the tracer cation with the anion of the carrier, the grea
  • Between 1959 and 1965, Tracer conducted patrols at sea, at various picket st
  • d Company 2, the ability to wield shotguns and tracer dart guns is not class-specific.
  • scope, Digital Multimeter, Bode plotter, Curve tracer, Data Sequencer, Signal generator, Logic analy
  • It is often used as a tracer dye within water to determine the rate and dir
  • They are often used as a tracer dye within water to determine the rate and dir
  • ion Consultant, Wellhub, Gas Chromatograph, GC Tracer, Early Detection H2S, Consulting Services, Kic
  • MC 1100/1300 convertible, the rare Triumph TR7 Tracer Estate, and a Leyland Princess hatchback conve
  • So tedious that no tracer experiments with C-14 were done until 1942 whe
  • as been studied enzymatically, as well as with tracer experiments, but the exact route of synthesis
  • He also made an early curve tracer for alternating currents.
  • They were also known as 'smoke tracer' for this reason.
  • It is widely used as a fluorescent tracer for many applications.
  • types of leaks in the detection of helium as a tracer for leak detection.
  • ), James Dean Longacre (Life9), and Perry Lee ( Tracer Fox).
  • d is sprayed with a localized stream of helium tracer gas.
  • Ammunition: AP with tracer, HE, WP iincendiary
  • Shot APC M61, with tracer in the base
  • It is substituted for hydroxyl and used as a tracer in the scan.
  • The Dole effect can also be applied as a tracer in sea water, with slight variations in chemis
  • tive isotope of carbon that could be used as a tracer in investigating chemical reactions in photosy
  • He left his job as engineer's tracer in 1942 to become a model in life classes in L
  • adjuvant in textile dyeing and printing; as a tracer in oil fields; in the separation of hafnium fr
  • hnique for field measurement is to introduce a tracer into the lake and monitor its movement.
  • Tracer is the public bus system for the city of Tracy
  • In single well tests, tracer is injected into the formation from a well and
  • Note that the tracer is precipitated from the solution even when pr
  • plate, about 25cmx30cm in size, called a tiger tracer, is then used to trace the outline of the pugm
  • In interwell tests, the tracer is injected at one well along with the carrier
  • ssance and Counter Concealment Enabled Radar - TRACER is a mid-range, long wavelength synthetic aper
  • governing how a small amount of one substance ( tracer) is carried down to a precipitate of another s
  • Radio Tracer Lab
  • published "La Gnomonique pratique ou l'Art de tracer les cadrans solaires" under the patronage of t
  • The Tracer line A connects with the Amtrak Thruway Bus at
  • Tracer method involves injecting a tracer dye into th
  • champions cup final on April 2 1987, in which Tracer Milano prevailed over Maccabi Tel Aviv 71-69 i
  • He then played in Italy, in the Tracer Milano team, as one of the best US-players eve
  • milling applications such as profile milling, tracer milling, face milling, and plunging.
  • Knorringite is a tracer mineral in the search for diamonds in kimberli
  • ein (GFP) and for his proposal to use GFP as a tracer molecule.
  • this time with the Fifth Doctor and a sentient Tracer named Amy.
  • Tracer New York: Simon & Schuster, 1985.
  • kish glow of atomic hydrogen gas, the telltale tracer of massive star forming regions.
  • In the fall of 2010, it is planned to test TRACER on NASA's unmanned Predator-B IKHANA, and late
  • hich has been in the field since the late-90s, TRACER operates on manned and unmanned platforms and
  • dea is to find the velocity of individual flow tracer particles (Lagrangian) and particle image velo
  • Viggers was the chairman of Calgary-based Tracer Petroleum Corporation from 1996 to 1998, and o
  • The TRACER program began in April 2007 and has been integ
  • Animated special effects were used to simulate tracer projectiles.
  • cing, shrapnel, chemical, smoke and incendiary tracer projectiles.
  • Normally one tracer round was added every four or five rounds to a
  • n set on fire and burned to the waterline by a tracer round from USS Gonzalez hitting and setting ab
  • lem for all weapons in this caliber using this tracer round.
  • ned fire, but his cannons had been loaded with tracer rounds, whose glow temporarily blinded him fro
  • armor-piercing, Shrapnel, smoke and incendiary tracer shells.
  • These junctions are impervious to tracer, so many substances can impact the metabolism
  • dition to mainframe-based systems, other curve tracer solutions are available that allow system buil
  • urther evidence for this model was obtained by tracer studies in which two carbon atoms in the norbo
  • gy, art history, forensic science, radioactive tracer studies, radiometric dating, the carbon cycle,
  • when the tracer substance forms a mixed crystal, then the sepa
  • The law is also applied for separation of tracer substances by co-precipitation.
  • ubsequently found application as a biochemical tracer such as in fluorescent studies on DNA.
  • This can be a solid tracer, such as a float constructed to be neutrally b
  • As a follow-on to FOPEN, the TRACER system can be tailored to specific missions by
  • In 2000, BakBone acquired Tracer Technologies based in Washington D.C. Tracer w
  • The delay between a tracer that does not react with the formation (a cons
  • Then, by using the signal tracer, the tech can follow the signal through the va
  • Refinery indiscriminately, The Doctor uses the tracer to eliminate Kroll and retrieve the segment of
  • and ballistic caps, an explosive filler and a tracer unit that was incorporated into the base fuze.
  • ates Navy as a replacement for the earlier E-1 Tracer, which was rapidly becoming obsolete.
  • the tracer will adsorb on the surface of the carrier prec
  • Tracer Wong - Irene Wong
  • Tracer Wong as Mao Nana
  • velocity would be the velocity a conservative tracer would experience if carried by the fluid throu