



  • Trimer acid is a corresponding material where the res
  • varsan was shown to be a mixture of the cyclic trimer and a pentamer.
  • e is most likely to be a mixture of the cyclic trimer and a pentamer.
  • Selligueain A is a A type proanthocyanidin trimer and a sweetener that can be extracted from the
  • The GTP/G-alpha complex dissociates from the trimer and associates to an effector until the intrin
  • The UvrB part of the trimer attaches to the double helix at the damaged si
  • 5 suggest that it is actually a mixture of the trimer B and the pentamer C
  • In archaea and eukaryotes, it is a trimer composed of three molecules of PCNA.
  • gest that the compound exists as a dimer and a trimer, consisting of tetrahedral aluminium centers s
  • glyoxal trimer, dihydrate: [(CHO)2]3(H2O)2 (CAS# 4405-13-4).
  • The NLS-Importin α-Importin β trimer dissociates after binding to Ran GTP inside th
  • ith copper(II) acetate in pyridine to give the trimer, followed by deprotonation and isomerization w
  • In the gas phase, a mixture of dimer and trimer in the ratio 82:12 has been observed.
  • formed, but under proper conditions the cyclic trimer is the primary product.
  • It is the trimer of cyanogen chloride.
  • This heterocycle is the cyclic trimer of the otherwise unstable species thioformalde
  • 1,3,5-Trioxane, a trimer of formaldehyde used as fuel and in plastics m
  • It can be considered a cyclic trimer of carbon dioxide (CO2) or as a triple ketone
  • A trimer of the peridinin-chlorophyll-containing protei
  • A trimer of Leukotriene C4 synthase is localized on the
  • The SMADs, which form a trimer of two receptor-regulated SMADs and one co-SMA
  • It is a stable cyclic trimer of formaldehyde, and one of the two trioxane i
  • Membrane-anchored Fas ligand trimer on the surface of an adjacent cell causes trim
  • ica is known to produce α-viniferin, a stilben trimer showing acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activi
  • e peroxide" most commonly refers to the cyclic trimer TCAP (tri-cyclic acetone peroxide, or tri-cycl
  • shows masses of dicoronylene and the condensed trimer, tetramer, and pentamer in the mass spectrum o
  • The PCP complex is a protein trimer with an unusual alpha solenoid protein fold.
  • Oxidation of paraldehyde (acetaldehyde trimer) with SeO2 gives glyoxal and the oxidation of