



  • A delicate balance needed to be trodden and it fell to Clancy, by now the Irish Party
  • roviding education to all especially the down trodden and rural population.
  • are proclaimed to be the saviors of the "down trodden children of Ethiopia."
  • lief showing Satyrs expressing the juice from trodden grapes in wicker mats in the tropeion.
  • in all directions by narrow tracked marked by trodden leaves, and there is a thick undrgrowth of we
  • hubs of [New York] and London, as well lesser trodden locales such as Reykjavik and Slovenia.
  • o adjourn...it seems that we are doomed to be trodden on by these troops who have taken military po
  • enry IV, part 1 'The Camomile; The more it is trodden on, the faster it grows'.
  • utland as, "The smallest worm will turn being trodden on, And doves will peck in safeguard of their
  • nt; in modern Germany painting and music have trodden parallel paths, and Kaulbach is musical in th
  • The Trodden Path: "Don't Follow Me" (The Trodden Path)
  • rt of Poole from Christchurch with a few well trodden paths linking the two towns.
  • ing serpent," and Isaiah 63:3 states, "I have trodden the winepress alone; and of the people there
  • od for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men."
  • hus the pearl of the Gospel is cast forth and trodden under the feet of swine."