



  • Tryptamine acts as a natural pesticide in plants.
  • ld 4-hydroxylate and 4-phosphoryloxylate any tryptamine added to the substrate, opening the possibil
  • that AET was substantially similar were the tryptamine analogues dimethyltryptamine (DMT) and dieth
  • Should 5-MeO-DPT be described as a tryptamine and an indole compound?
  • 2,alpha-DMT, or 2,α-dimethyltryptamine, is a tryptamine and a lesser-known psychedelic drug.
  • In the case of tryptamine and serotonin these then become the dimethyl
  • and dimethyltryptamine (DMT) (an endogenous tryptamine and primary active constituent of Ayahuasca,
  • tiary amines can act as acceptors, including tryptamine, aniline, nicotine and a variery of drugs an
  • It is a psychedelic tryptamine but very little is known about it.
  • MT), or methyltryptamine, is a member of the tryptamine chemical class.
  • psychedelic, stimulant and entactogen of the tryptamine chemical class.
  • , α-TMT, ATMT) is a psychoactive drug of the tryptamine chemical class which acts as a psychedelic h
  • n structure to the other psychedelics of the tryptamine class such as dimethyltryptamine (DMT) and α
  • yptamine (DALT) is a psychedelic drug of the tryptamine class.
  • ingdom, however, and does not fall under the tryptamine clause as its substituent is not on the nitr
  • -isopropyltryptamine (MIPT) is a psychedelic tryptamine, closely related to DMT, DIPT and Miprocin.
  • AL-37350A, a tryptamine derivative
  • BW-723C86 is a tryptamine derivative drug which acts as a 5-HT2B recep
  • -trimethyltryptamine (5,N,N-TMT; 5-TMT) is a tryptamine derivative that is a hallucinogenic drug.
  • Zolmitriptan is a synthetic tryptamine derivative and appears as a white powder tha
  • ethyltryptamine, 2,N,N-TMT, or 2-Me-DMT is a tryptamine derivative that is a hallucinogenic drug.
  • Desformylflustrabromine (dFBr) is a tryptamine derivative which was first isolated as an ac
  • s related in structure to the hallucinogenic tryptamine derivative 5-MeO-DMT, but with the indole ni
  • AL-37350A is a tryptamine derivative which acts as a potent and select
  • It is classified as a tryptamine derivative.
  • sychedelic hallucinogenic drug psilocybin, a tryptamine derivative.
  • sychedelic effects similar to those of other tryptamine derivatives when taken orally at a dose of a
  • although somewhat weaker than other similar tryptamine derivatives.
  • It is a member of the tryptamine family and is extremely uncommon.
  • (DBT) is a psychedelic drug belonging to the tryptamine family.
  • a semi-synthetic psychedelic alkaloid of the tryptamine family.
  • DiPT is a derivative of tryptamine formed by substituting isopropyl groups for
  • It is an indole alkaloid (specifically a tryptamine) found in the leaves of Vinca minor, compris
  • DET is an analogue of the common tryptamine hallucinogen N,N-Dimethyltryptamine or DMT.
  • The concentration of tryptamine in rat brains is about 3.5 pmol/g.
  • Tryptamine is a monoamine alkaloid found in plants, fun
  • Tryptamine is found in trace amounts in the brains of m
  • Tryptamine N-methyltransferase (alternative names: indo
  • Mimosa scabrella contains tryptamine, N-methyltryptamine, N,N-dimethyltryptamine
  • ines include p-tyramine, β-phenylethylamine, tryptamine, octopamine, and 3-iodothyronamine, and are
  • ould be in the same place as the α is in the tryptamine picture.
  • ns psilocybin, a prodrug for the psychedelic tryptamine psilocin.
  • PT does not produce effects similar to other tryptamine psychedelics such as DPT and 5-MeO-DMT in ac
  • Relative to the other tryptamine psychedelics, DALT and 5-MeO-DALT are said t
  • metabolites of endogenous chemicals such as tryptamine, serotonin, and tryptophan could be the expl
  • The Abramovitch-Shapiro tryptamine synthesis is an organic reaction for the syn
  • ly ethyltryptamine, is a psychedelic drug, a tryptamine that is structurally related to N-methyltryp
  • if not most plants contain small amounts of tryptamine which is an intermediate in one biosynthetic
  • oxylated by tryptophan decarboxylase to give tryptamine, which is then hydroxylated by a cytochrome