



  • Attempts at vaccination against Maedi-Visna virus failed to induce
  • rs and synthetic pearls, and practiced oral vaccination against smallpox.
  • (1822-1895) to perform the first successful vaccination against rabies on Joseph Meister, a 9-year-
  • July 18 - The first BCG vaccination against tuberculosis.
  • Vaccination against TIE-2-positive cells appears to red
  • has a population of around 3.6 million, and vaccination among them requires PhP 3.6 billion (which
  • ation, legislation, public works, medicine, vaccination and public health and agriculture.
  • needs, Participate in mass prophylaxis and vaccination and community disaster drills and Train wit
  • une in gold), and Bond is drugged by a fake vaccination and kidnapped to join Goldfinger on the pla
  • Several states mounted large meningitis vaccination and information campaigns after the outbrea
  • osis Campaign: a pioneering venture in mass vaccination and research".
  • don, which was detrimental to his health; a vaccination as a child had left him with eczema, and he
  • Vaccination at this point is useless, as the spread to
  • percent in recent years because of a global vaccination campaign started in the 1950s.
  • ere is a clear connection between Pandemrix vaccination campaign of 2009 and 2010 and narcolepsy ep
  • een immunized against H1N1 since a national vaccination campaign began in October, with Canada amon
  • tions Population Fund), cholera and measles vaccination campaign, social development fund, and new
  • Previous vaccination campaigns for other diseases have met with
  • The agency says synchronized vaccination campaigns will be held in Afghanistan and P
  • (7)Mega camps for livestock vaccination, de-worming & dehorning and distribution of
  • The nationwide vaccination effort follows a government announcement in
  • ents falsely claim religious beliefs to get vaccination exemptions.
  • ulations, Edward Jenner began his series of vaccination experiments.
  • CDC does not recommend preexposure vaccination for unexposed veterinarians, veterinary sta
  • This institute develops vaccination for rabies (dog bite disease) and Triple Va
  • ate these risks, and needing more effective vaccination for his animal patients, Murdoch designed a
  • ble unforeseen reactions or side effects of vaccination for further study.
  • n Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended vaccination for all children and teenagers between six
  • Lopez has also been involved in promoting vaccination for whooping cough.
  • 0% of students filled out and returned H1N1 vaccination forms.
  • aign to eradicate polio by using an aerosol vaccination he co-developed with Albert Sabin in 1982.
  • Smallpox and Vaccination Hospital, Highgate Hill, (Middx.):
  • ths) in those patients who responded to the vaccination, i.e. those in whom the formation of antibo
  • small number of medical critics of smallpox vaccination in the late 19th century.
  • of work studying the efficacy of bacterial vaccination in pigs Smith erroneously believed he had f
  • actions resulted in the first recorded mass vaccination in the territory and saved Natchez from the
  • Public health and the diffusion of vaccination in Japan (1996)
  • Compulsory Vaccination in England: with incidental references to f
  • fried Erdmann, the physician who introduced vaccination into Saxony, was born at Dresden on the 11t
  • 0 he moved to Hertford, where he introduced vaccination into three parishes in spite of opposition
  • He introduced smallpox vaccination into Japan, experimenting first on his own
  • The vaccination is generally not given earlier than this be
  • Inflammation in the subcutis following vaccination is considered to be a risk factor in the de
  • oster administration of HBIG, a hepatitis B vaccination is initiated at the time of the initial HBI
  • e Epstein-Barr virus, which, similar to BCG vaccination, is known to induce TNF.
  • Proof of current Rabies vaccination is required.
  • 1904 cartoon opposing the mandatory vaccination law in Brazil.
  • e authority of states to enforce compulsory vaccination laws.
  • own as the founder of the Dutch poverty and vaccination laws.
  • Soul Vaccination: Live is the fourth live album by the soul/
  • for basic treatment of common diseases and vaccination of their children.
  • e station for the then spectacular smallpox vaccination of the Prussian Crown Prince Friedrich Wilh
  • e awareness about the disease and encourage vaccination of adults to prevent spread of disease to i
  • In 2000, vaccination of livestock against Chrysomya bezziana was
  • in 1776 when George Washington ordered the vaccination of the Continental Army against smallpox.
  • tember 2009, Verkerk said that he believes " vaccination may be right in the future - particularly i
  • Council of Public Health announces that the vaccination plan should be centered mainly on the popul
  • was accused of racial discrimination in its vaccination policy.
  • s, Nabel and his colleagues used a two-step vaccination process, called "prime-boost."
  • process and the co-inventor of the genetic vaccination process.
  • GAVI Alliance and other partners, started a vaccination program against pneumococcal disease.
  • In 1911, the typhoid vaccination program was only the second time an entire
  • r similar setting is often met with a local vaccination program, in case any of the people exposed
  • rize, as the best in South America, for its vaccination program.
  • octor, he studied smallpox and reformed the vaccination programme that had run in Copenhagen since
  • They have assisted with MMR vaccination programmes for NHS City & Hackney and NHS S
  • eclared eradicated by WHO in December 1979, vaccination programs were terminated.
  • the principal investigator for the anthrax vaccination protocol set up by the Centers for Disease
  • evidence, but has contributed to decreased vaccination rates that according to the medical communi
  • ing the rise in mumps case frequency to low vaccination rates in Iowa's youth, coupled with the clo
  • Vaccination rates have been high enough to make measles
  • the controversy for triggering a decline in vaccination rates.
  • particularly fighting mandatory hepatitis B vaccination requirements for newborn babies, and opposi
  • reasing number of vaccines in the childhood vaccination schedule, as indicating that the preservati
  • ble for cats to have a granuloma form after vaccination, so it is important to differentiate betwee
  • n Odessa bacteriological station for rabies vaccination studies and research on combating cattle pl
  • But Dr. Tsafack Rose Ernestine, a vaccination team leader in Cameroon's largest city, Dou
  • s higher probability to get narcolepsy with vaccination than without it.
  • iduals or animals should receive a smallpox vaccination to protect against monkeypox.
  • at it routinely administers influenza virus vaccination to their swine herds and that it conducts m
  • outreach initiatives to provide hepatitis B vaccination to the homeless, engagement with injectors
  • us that no evidence links the childhood MMR vaccination to the development of autism, and wrote an
  • of some being delayed or missed altogether; vaccination uptake significantly increased in the UK wh
  • lth officials began to press for widespread vaccination using Waldemar Haffkine's plague vaccine, a
  • Compulsory vaccination was strongly condemned by Herz, and in 1801
  • g out the conditions under which the rabies vaccination was most effective.
  • Until 1989, the Brazilian record vaccination, was considered the worst in South America.
  • and was a member of the Royal Commission on Vaccination which was initiated in 1879 and sat for sev
  • Mass vaccination would be unethical, as the only efficient v