



  • gy unit and a genitourinary unit that treated venereal and non-venereal gynaecological disorders.
  • He returned to Adelaide in 1925 and set up a venereal disease practice there.
  • He then undertook postgraduate study in venereal disease in Vienna for two years.
  • "Mugwump Specific", a patent medicine for venereal disease in the late 19th century
  • 887 he became a specialist of dermatology and venereal disease in Hamburg.
  • tein independent and can be assayed using the Venereal Disease Research Laboratory test
  • mmediately became aware of the soldiers' high venereal disease rate.
  • In the prevention of the spread of venereal disease in France, Diday advocated mandatory
  • f soldiers rendered unfit for duty because of venereal disease or alcoholism as a means of combattin
  • to be related to the women wanting to spread venereal disease to the opposing troops.
  • feedback, but the absence of a discussion of venereal disease (VD) was noted by sympathetic reviewe
  • rizona, Captain de la Guerra fell sick with a venereal disease and was disabled, returning to Santa
  • ing sex education, preventing and eradicating venereal disease and the education of the public in eu
  • The London Lock Hospital was the first venereal disease clinic, being the most famous and fir
  • cause of all other social ills, particularly venereal disease epidemics among soldiers.
  • ing the Chicago Society for the Prevention of Venereal Disease in the 1930s.
  • Venereal disease as well as alcohol poisoning (caused
  • ably from a combination of tuberculosis and a venereal disease contracted from his mistress, Colette
  • cy laws, public speaking, searching for jobs, venereal disease and anything that may be understood a
  • 1840s and 1850s thought that prostitution and venereal disease were on the rise.
  • in the business of reporting that people have venereal disease and AIDS, based only on RSs, and then
  • n by a Winchester goose" meant "to contract a venereal disease", and "goose bumps" was slang for sym
  • He specialized in research of venereal disease, particularly congenital syphilis.
  • of issues such as food safety, tuberculosis, venereal disease, child abuse, alcoholism and public d
  • A root decoction is used to treat fever, venereal disease, as well as a diuretic and laxative.
  • ans and pioneers to induce vomiting, to treat venereal disease, and to treat symptoms of tuberculosi
  • He was a leading authority regarding venereal disease.
  • ozie", with the 'floy-floy' being slang for a venereal disease.
  • a single person at Ferriday High School with venereal disease.
  • , and later made groundbreaking research into venereal disease.
  • film about premarital sex without mentioning venereal disease.
  • cell in granuloma inguinale, a widely endemic venereal disease.
  • , asthma, tuberculosis, urinary disorders and venereal disease.
  • In 1914 he became professor for skin and venereal diseases at the new university.
  • buted to drastically improve the treatment of venereal diseases in seamen, reducing the convalescenc
  • blems, and internally as a decoction to treat venereal diseases and as an aphrodisiac.
  • ed the thought that so long as childbirth and venereal diseases are prevented, women could engage in
  • orthern Virginia to help combat the spread of venereal diseases such as syphilis, as well as other p
  • und die venerischen Krankheiten (Syphilis and Venereal Diseases), (3 editions 1886-1896)
  • To study the effects of untreated venereal diseases, male and female prisoners were deli
  • teenagers and young adults of the dangers of venereal diseases, specifically syphilis.
  • operly, to some liquid medicines used against venereal diseases.
  • he was a doctor specializing in treatment of venereal diseases.
  • penicillin in the prevention and treatment of venereal diseases.
  • ge, and the other "On the Lues venerea," (On [ Venereal Diseases]) to Henry Paman, public orator at C
  • to insult his victims by calling them lazy or venereal dogs.
  • ge prevents rapid consumption produced by the venereal excess by excluding the attraction of novelty
  • rse], without any copulation, for the sake of venereal pleasure [...] pertains to the sin of 'unclea
  • Canine transmissible venereal tumor (CTVT) is sexually transmitted cancer i