「worth less」の共起表現一覧(1語右で並び替え)

worth less



  • ny's stock goes into a free-fall and is soon worthless, along with all the employees' pensions, whi
  • that his son's efforts at Duel Academy were worthless and that he would be better off leaving.
  • d to the prospectors, told them the site was worthless, and sent an agent to buy the property.
  • After this she finds that the effort was worthless and that she only has months to live.
  • y Latin American literature was decadent and worthless, and that it should be considered irremediab
  • and the homeless are all considered equally worthless and entered into a restricted ghetto, called
  • With a cargo that was now worthless and no one in Mombasa capable of salvaging t
  • der, the young men assume that the powder is worthless and throw the can away, although Jim keeps s
  • The volatile keyword is basically worthless as a portable threading construct.
  • had ended, the Santa Fe was considered to be worthless as a war prize because she was non-standard,
  • All of them are completely worthless as history, because Irving cannot be trusted
  • lden sword technique, however his kung fu is worthless as no one in the town knows kung fu anymore
  • 2001, Butler unveiled his second solo album, Worthless Bastard Rock.
  • a of a young girl's tragic infatuation for a worthless bounder who had been her schoolgirl hero.
  • banished from Drury Lane as a worthless candidate for fame and fortune
  • 3 counts of Obtaining Property in Return for Worthless Check - Florida, 2000
  • ling to pay a $600 hotel bill, cashing a $76 worthless check, and the failure to repay $600 he borr
  • 2005 Senate Bill 465 - Postdated Worthless Checks
  • rom Austin Rental Company and cashed $250 of worthless checks at the bank before going to Davis' Ha
  • ary Ocala Funding which sold $1.5 billion of worthless commercial paper to several banks including
  • en have never seen a dollar bill, other than worthless Confederate dollars.
  • Worthless Confederate money, lack of credit possibilit
  • his way into the girl's seat and engaging in worthless conversation, he is all optimistic about the
  • g to Hildegard's vita, which is historically worthless, Disibod came to the Frankish Empire in 640
  • dustry grew, land which had been regarded as worthless dramatically increased value.
  • rtable realizing that the man's writings are worthless drivel.
  • his kingdom by dreaming, which he views as a worthless endeavor and a total waste of time.
  • gion was a "fable invented by the ancients," worthless except for those who exploit the credulous m
  • The jewels were replaced with worthless fakes the night before the raid, just in cas
  • d deficiencies to the AIS-P protocol - it is worthless for purposes of billing and targeting.
  • ng nature of the Edgbaston ground made Field worthless for most of the season.
  • o have sold it, and sent Bruch's family some worthless German paper money as the alleged proceeds o
  • The discovery of the famous (but largely worthless) Golden Cache Mine farther up Cayoosh Creek,
  • The Doctor and Jamie are freed as worthless idiots.
  • groups of rewards from highly sought for to worthless in factors that are by far surpassing any ef
  • trusty but temperamental steed, the unicorn Worthless, into various adventures.
  • farmers who were left with large amounts of worthless inventory.
  • of ore and the earlier one he had taken were worthless iron pyrite.
  • by their superiors that they are nothing but worthless Issen Gorin and, therefore, they should be e
  • , Salvation Army kettles have also collected worthless items like candy, lint and other assorted tr
  • s sword as the head slaver believes it to be worthless junk.
  • d had only succeeded in capturing relatively worthless land (with the exception of Majnoon Island).
  • rgical dross is referenced as a metaphor for worthless material in the Bible and in other religious
  • s to have meant decayed, rotten, or possibly worthless material.
  • switched the watch for a stone or some such worthless object during the wrapping"(Glenny 127).
  • requests for food by providing inedible and worthless objects, or dangerous and inedible creatures
  • The trial turned out to be completely worthless of beginning.
  • He tried to shove this supposedly worthless oil company on Gilligan in the Season One ep
  • you even Indian, that you keep spouting your worthless opinions on all hindu related articles every
  • ttempts to prevent Africa from exporting her worthless or surplus population...I cannot shut my eye
  • e negative effects of how one ends up with a worthless outcome when trying to please everyone.
  • e official investigation summed the value of worthless outstanding checks at the equivalent of US$9
  • various names such as "Ted's Band" and "The Worthless Peons".
  • e Sacred Heart Hospital employee quartet The Worthless Peons, on the seventh episode of season 5 of
  • time of the fire called Iogi Minoru's book a worthless piece of literature, it had since been inclu
  • As the emeralds and shares turned out to be worthless Prince Francis Joseph decided to prosecute c
  • Is latest criticism worthwhile talk or just worthless?, published September 30, 1990.
  • gyptian Condominium, who considered the area worthless sand and a cheap appeasement to Benito Musso
  • to complete the separation of lead ore from worthless stone.
  • Craig) to sell Kelly and the investors some worthless swampland.
  • at every reference not of a gold standard is worthless that is so obnoxious.
  • lished until the debased metal coins were so worthless that children played with them in the street
  • orr, leaving the planet uninhabited and thus worthless to Galactus.
  • ns are revealed to be defective, making them worthless to everyone.
  • Temperamental units are worthless to the medical community since an individual
  • that the reconciliation undertaken would be worthless unless investigations into the coup revealed
  • A worthless volume!'.
  • high shelf in his library allegedly were: 'A worthless volume, sir!
  • They were given promissory notes that were worthless when they arrived.
  • 's funds in Austrian war bonds, which became worthless when Austria was defeated.
  • IF your point is swing became worthless when white people started to like it, that i
  • he worship of God is little, and that little worthless, while its writers are unacquainted with the
  • garded by some scholars today as practically worthless, while others like Leo Strauss continue to h
  • e by the time of construction and militarily worthless within 20 years; it never saw action.
  • I'd say this article was worthless without at least mentioning the content of t
  • "Nada Valgo Sin Tu Amor" (English: "I'm Worthless Without Your Love") is a song by Colombian s
  • mploded as the lawyers' equity shares became worthless, work dried up and partners with traditional
  • onal scandal where he promoted the sale of a worthless worked out Emma Silver Mine at Alta, Utah fo