

Anime Explosion! The What? Why? & Wow! Of Japanese Animation

出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/06/04 05:23 UTC 版)



Anime Explosion! The What? Why? & Wow! Of Japanese Animation is a book of essays about anime written by Patrick Drazen. It was published on January 1, 2002 by Stone Bridge Press. The first half of the book defines "what anime is, what it is not, and more important, how it differs from American cartoons in general and TV-based American entertainment in particular." The second half looks into "individualfilms and directors.”" The book is used as a text in the "History and Art of Animation" course at Clarkson University, in the "Japanese Animation: Still Pictures, Moving Minds" course at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and in the "Animation: History and Criticism" course at Emory University.

履歴機能 過去に調べた単語を確認できる
語彙力診断 診断回数が4回に増加
マイ単語帳 便利な学習機能付き
マイ例文帳 文章で意味を理解できる

anime explosion! the what? why? & wow! of japanese animationのページの著作権