1. 光沢のある葉と折れ曲がった枝とピンクから赤みがかった花の繖形花序のような房を持つ、米国南東部の華やかな常緑低木(showy evergreen shrub of southeastern United States with shiny leaves and angled branches and clusters of pink to reddish flowers that resemble an umbel)
1. 光沢のある葉と折れ曲がった枝とピンクから赤みがかった花の繖形花序のような房を持つ、米国南東部の華やかな常緑低木(showy evergreen shrub of southeastern United States with shiny leaves and angled branches and clusters of pink to reddish flowers that resemble an umbel)
2. 米国南東部の観賞用の常緑低木で、小さな白いベル型の花をつける(ornamental evergreen shrub of southeastern United States having small white bell-shaped flowers)