

Hélène Langevin-Joliot

出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/04/02 04:16 UTC 版)



Hélène Langevin-Joliot (born 17 September 1927) is a French nuclear physicist. She was educated at the Institut de physique nucléaire (English: Institute of Nuclear Physics) at Orsay, a laboratory which was set up by her parents Irène Joliot-Curie and Frédéric Joliot-Curie. She is a member of the French government's advisory committee. Currently, she is a professor of nuclear physics at the Institute of Nuclear Physics at the University of Paris and a Director of Research at the CNRS. She is also known for her work in actively encouraging women to pursue careers in scientific fields. She is Chairman of the panel that awards the Marie Curie Excellence award, a prize given to outstanding European researchers. She is President of the French Rationalist Union.

履歴機能 過去に調べた単語を確認できる
語彙力診断 診断回数が4回に増加
マイ単語帳 便利な学習機能付き
マイ例文帳 文章で意味を理解できる

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