common devil's clawに関連する類語一覧

意義素(意味の分類) 対応する
annual of southern United States to Mexico having large whitish or yellowish flowers mottled with purple and a long curving beak
proboscis flower, devil's claw, proboscidea louisianica, common unicorn plant, elephant-tusk, ram's horn, common devil's claw


proboscis flower, devil's claw, proboscidea louisianica, common unicorn plant, elephant-tusk, ram's horn, common devil's claw

この場合の「proboscis flower, devil's claw, proboscidea louisianica, common unicorn plant, elephant-tusk, ram's horn, common devil's claw」の意味
  • annual of southern United States to Mexico having large whitish or yellowish flowers mottled with purple and a long curving beak


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