意義素(意味の分類) | 対応する 類語・関連語 |
劇を書き制作する芸術 the art of writing and producing plays |
dramatic art, theater, theatre, dramatics, dramaturgy 詳細 |
dramatic art, theater, theatre, dramatics, dramaturgy
芝居、 劇道、 テアトル、 演劇術、 演劇、 芝屋、 劇
the art of writing and producing plays
upstage, downstage, amphitheater, amphitheatre, closed-circuit television, theater, theatre, house, dramatic irony, flies, seat, place, booking clerk, ticket agent, act, playact, roleplay, play, stooge, enter, support, star, appear, co-star, overact, ham, overplay, ham it up, underact, underplay