意義素(意味の分類) | 対応する 類語・関連語 |
腋生の円筒形穂状花序をなす小さな花のあとに大きく糖分に富む莢がなる、プロソピス属の数種のとげのある小高木あるいは低木の総称 any of several small spiny trees or shrubs of the genus Prosopis having small flowers in axillary cylindrical spikes followed by large pods rich in sugar |
mesquite, mesquit 詳細 |
mesquite, mesquit
any of several small spiny trees or shrubs of the genus Prosopis having small flowers in axillary cylindrical spikes followed by large pods rich in sugar
prosopis glandulosa, western honey mesquite, honey mesquite, algarroba, prosopis juliflora, prosopis juliiflora, screwbean, screwbean mesquite, prosopis pubescens, screw bean, tornillo