意義素(意味の分類) | 対応する 類語・関連語 |
革のような葉と群生の主として四数花を持つ、オーストラリアと南アフリカの低木と高木の大きな科 large family of Australian and South African shrubs and trees with leathery leaves and clustered mostly tetramerous flowers |
proteaceae, protea family, family proteaceae 詳細 |
proteaceae, protea family, family proteaceae
large family of Australian and South African shrubs and trees with leathery leaves and clustered mostly tetramerous flowers
green dinosaur, bartle frere, genus bartle-frere, genus protea, genus banksia, conospermum, genus conospermum, embothrium, genus embothrium, genus guevina, guevina, genus grevillea, hakea, genus hakea, knightia, genus knightia, genus lambertia, lambertia, leucadendron, genus leucadendron, genus lomatia, genus macadamia, orites, genus orites, genus persoonia, persoonia, genus stenocarpus, stenocarpus, genus telopea, telopea, genus xylomelum, xylomelum