意義素(意味の分類) | 対応する 類語・関連語 |
北米の森林が原産の多年草で、赤い根と赤い樹液を持ち、浅い切れ込みが入った単生の葉と早春に咲く白い花をつけ、苦い嘔吐性の性質がある perennial woodland native of North America having a red root and red sap and bearing a solitary lobed leaf and white flower in early spring and having acrid emetic properties |
bloodroot, puccoon, tetterwort, redroot, sanguinaria canadensis 詳細 |
bloodroot, puccoon, tetterwort, redroot, sanguinaria canadensis
perennial woodland native of North America having a red root and red sap and bearing a solitary lobed leaf and white flower in early spring and having acrid emetic properties