彼はえらそうな顔をして, 「彼らの無知は哀れむべきものだ」と言った. He said superciliously, “Their ignorance is to be pitied."
- 研究社 新和英中辞典
團十郎は口上でも「弱きを助け孤独を哀れむ皆様方のお引き立てを」と述べ、劇中の工藤の台詞「その面差し、ハテ誰やらに似たわ、似たわ」のときには團十郎の眼に涙が光っていたという。 For the stage announcement, Danjuro asked the audience for 'their favor and patronage for the weak and the orphaned,' and during the play when he says Kudo's line 'I wonder, your faces, who did you take them after?,' it is said he had tears in his eyes.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス