
  • さあお使いの駄賃だよ
    Here is something for your trouble.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 駄賃馬稼(だちんうまかせぎ)とは、近代以前の日本においてウマの背中に貨物や人を乗せて輸送に従事する職業のこと。
    Dachin-uma kasegi refers to an occupation in Japan before modern times that engaged in the transportation of freight and people by carrying them on horseback.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • このため、転じて子供の買い物など簡単な雑用と引換に貰う小銭のことを「(お)駄賃」と呼ぶようになった。
    This resulted in small money that was given in exchange for a simple chore, such as a child going shopping, being called '(o)dachin.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 主な代表的な高札としては、寛文元年(1661年)の5枚の高札(撰銭、切支丹、火事場、駄賃、雑事)や正徳(日本)元年(1711年)の5枚の高札(忠孝、切支丹、火付、駄賃、毒薬)、明治維新とともに新政府から出された五榜の掲示などがある。
    Most commonly known Kosatsu are 5 boards of Kosatsu published in 1661 ("Erizeni" for eliminating low quality money, "Kirishitan," [Christian] the ban of "Christianity," "Kajiba," the law at the scene of a fire for preventing theft at the scene, "Dachin," the law for money or goods for the purpose of reward and "Zatsuji," the law for personal affairs), 5 boards of Kosatsu published in 1771 ("Chuko," the loyalty and filial piety, "Kirishitan," the ban of Christianity, "Hitsuke," the law at the scene of a fire, "Dachin," the law for money or goods for the purpose of reward and "Dokuyaku, "the law for treating poisons) and 5 posts on the streets released by a new government after the Meiji restoration.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 律令制においては、国司が郡司・富豪などの地方の有力者の馬を駄賃と引換に徴発して年貢を日本の首都に運ばせるのが主であった。
    In the Ritsuryo system (a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code), a Kokushi (provincial governor) usually had nengu (land tax) delivered to the Japanese capital by requisitioning horses of local leaders, such as a Gunji (local magistrate) or wealthy families in exchange for dachin.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その昔、馬子が離れた町の問屋などの依頼によって輸送をする荷物を依頼主のもとまで取りに行く際に、途中において他者の荷物の輸送を引き受けて駄賃を受けることによって小銭を稼ぐことがしばしば行われた。
    In the past, when a mago (packhorse driver) went to pick up packages to transport at the request of a warehouse merchant in a distant town, they would often accept another package from someone else to transport on the way, gaining dachin and earning small money.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 江戸時代に入ると、江戸幕府(幕府においては慶長7年(1602年)と正徳_(日本)元年(1711年))や諸藩が公定駄賃を定めて悪質な業者の排除に乗り出した。
    As it became the Edo period, the Edo bakufu (in 1602 and 1711 by the feudal government), along with various domains set out to eliminate malicious businesses by setting an official carriage charge.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 小荷駄(こにだ)とは、中世から近世にかけての日本において、戦争のために必要な兵糧や弾薬、陣地設営道具などを運ぶための駄賃馬稼(もしくはウシ)・車輌、及びそれを率いる部隊「小荷駄隊(こにだたい)」のこと。
    Konida refers to dachin umakasegi (a job of carrying by daba, packhorse or cow) or vehicles that carry army provisions, ammunition, set-up tools for encampment and so on needed for wars from the medieval period to modern times in Japan, or a troop that directed the above things, also referred to as konidatai.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
