
  • 上記の漢字表記のほか、奈義・奈癸・奈岐・名義などの地名としての「なぎ」や様々な漢字表記の「なぎ川」や「なぎ山」が存在する。
    Besides the representation in Chinese characters mentioned above, many Chinese characters such as 奈義, 奈癸, 奈岐 and 名義, used to describe 'nagi,' and 'Nagi River' and 'Mt Nagi,' exist.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • とアリスはさわやかに言うと、またもやしゃべりだしたヒナギクの上に身をかがめてささやきました。
    Alice said in a soothing tone, and stooping down to the daisies, who were just beginning again, she whispered,  - LEWIS CARROLL『鏡の国のアリス』
  • 霰(あられ)降り 遠江(とほつあふみ)の 吾跡川(あとかわ)柳 刈れども またも生ふという 吾跡川(あとかわ)柳 (一二九三)
    Arare furi Tohotsuafumi no Atokawa yanagi Karedomo Matamo Outoiu Atokawa yanagi  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 沢柳事件(さわやなぎじけん)は、1913年から翌1914年にかけて京都帝国大学(現京都大学)で起こった、総長(学長)と学部教授会との間の内紛事件である。
    The Sawayanagi incident was an internal conflict that occurred at Kyoto Imperial University (current Kyoto University) from 1913 to 1914 in which the president of the university confronted the faculty council.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 出町柳駅行きホームには1両分程の長さの上屋があり、八瀬比叡山口駅行きホームの中ほどには小さな上屋を備えたベンチがある。
    The Demachiyanagi Station-bound Platform has a roof the length of a vehicle, whereas the Yase-Hieizanguchi Station-bound Platform has a smaller roof in the middle with a bench.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 小川や湖の近くに生育する、濃い色の樹皮と線形の葉を持った北米の低木のようなヤナギ
    North American shrubby willow having dark bark and linear leaves growing close to streams and lakes  - 日本語WordNet
  • 一期生で、同級に幸田露伴、他に沢柳政太郎、狩野亨吉らがいたが、中退。
    Koyo was a member of the inaugural class together with Rohan KODA, Masataro SAWAYANAGI, and Kokichi KANO, but later Koyo dropped out of the school.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 子に松平輝行(長男)、松平輝和(次男)、松平輝延(三男)、娘(柳沢保光正室)ら。
    His children included Teruchika MATSUDAIRA (the oldest son), Teruyasu MATSUDAIRA (the second son), Terunobu MATSUDAIRA (the third son), and a daughter (the lawful wife of Yasumitsu YANAGISAWA).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その後何回かの変遷を経て、澤柳政太郎文部次官の下、1907年(明治40年)に6年間に延長された。
    Through several changes that followed, it was extended to six years in 1907 under Vice-Minister of Education, Masataro SAWAYANAGI.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 電話やメールなど複数の連絡先に連絡可能なシステムにおいて適切な連絡先を自動的に選択可能な技術を提供する。
    To provide technologies for automatically selecting a suitable contact destination in a system for making a contact to a plurality of contact destinations of telephone call or mail. - 特許庁
  • 本体側屋根パネル41,42は屋根パネル固定具33、母屋36及び棟木37に架け渡されるようにして取り付けられ、軒側屋根パネル43は連結具51を介して外壁パネル25に取り付けられている。
    The main body side roof panels 41, 42 are attached to stretch over the roof panel fastener 33, the main house 36, and the ridge beam 37, and the eaves side roof panel 43 is attached to the external wall panels 25 through a connector 51. - 特許庁
  • 出町柳駅行きホームにはログハウス状の待合室がありワンマンカーの乗車口にあたるため、上屋は設置されていない。
    Because a log cabin-style waiting room is installed on the Demachiyanagi Station-bound platform, which a train door of a one-man-operated train meets, the platform has no roof.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 間に取り次ぎ者を介することなく発信者と受信者をダイレクトにつなぎ、電話やFAXによる通信を行なわせ、時間的なロスの生起を抑制することができるダイヤルイン通信システムを提供する。
    To provide a dial-in communication system that can directly connect a caller to a called party without the need for an intervention party inbetween so as to attain phone and FAX communication thereby suppressing incidence a temporal loss. - 特許庁
  • 三輪山の山麓に築かれた大和・柳本古墳群の中でも、渋谷向山古墳(現景行天皇陵)に次ぐ大きさであり、現崇神天皇陵(山辺道勾岡上陵)に比定されている。
    Andonyama Tumulus is the second largest tumulus next to Shibutani Mukouyama Tumulus (currently designated as the Imperial Mausoleum of Emperor Keiko) among Yamato/Yanagimoto Tumulus Group scattered around the foot of Miwa-yama Mountain, and it is now specified as the Imperial Mausoleum of Emperor Sujin (Yamanobeno Michinomagarino Okanoeno Misasagi).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 宝ヶ池駅方面行きホームはホームのほぼ全体を、出町柳駅方面行きホームには約1両分の長さの上屋が設置され、ワンマンカーの乗降口をカバーしている。
    On the platform where the train bound for Takaragaike Station stops, there is a shed whose length is nearly equal to that of the platform, and on the platform where the train bound for Demachiyanagi Station stops there is a shed whose length is roughly equal to a train car, so the roofs of these sheds shield passengers from the rain, etc., when they get on or off the train that is operated without a conductor.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、正重は文明開化とともに衰微する一方であった京都の民間芸能の保存にも熱心で、祇園祭の長刀鉾の稚児の世話役や壬生狂言の維持会長などを勤めた。
    Masashige was also keen on preserving folk performing arts in Kyoto that had been declining along with the progress of civilization and enlightenment and he took care of children who joined and rode the Naginata (long-handled sword) float in Gion Festival and served as chairperson of the preservation committee of Mibu Kyogen (pantomime performed in Mibu-dera Temple).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 川や沼等に生息する天然産のウナギは養殖や輸入した物に比べて蒸した後に蒲焼にしても弾力があり、噛むほどに滋味を愉しめるほどの歯ごたえがある。
    A natural eel which lives in a river or pond is more elastic than a farmed or imported eel even after being steamed and broiled, and its taste more enjoyable due to its chewable nature.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • )八瀬比叡山口駅・鞍馬駅行きホームはホームのほぼすべてを、出町柳駅行きホームは約1両分の長さの上屋で覆われ、ワンマンカーの乗降口をカバーしている。
    On the platform where the train bound for Yase-Hieizanguchi Station stops, there is a shed whose length is nearly the same as the platform itself, and on the platform where the train bound for Demachiyanagi Station stops, there is a shed whose length is roughly equivalent to a train car, so the roofs of these sheds shield passengers from rain and the like when they get on or off a train that's operated without a conductor.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 沢柳事件の経緯と結末により「大学自治の本山」とみなされた京大は、1930年代以降、戦時体制のもとで大学への統制を進めようとする勢力からは敵視されるようになる。
    Kyoto Imperial University, which was regarded as "the center of university autonomy" thanks to the development and conclusion of the Sawayanagi incident, came to be regarded as an enemy by people who intended to place universities under the government's control under the wartime regime in 1930's.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これに対し沢柳総長は、教授の地位を保つのはその実であって制度的保障はなく、また現行制度においても教授の任免に教授会の同意は必要でないと反論した。
    The president of the university, Sawayanagi, countered their argument saying that the positions of professors should be maintained by ones ability, rather than by the system, and that the approval of the faculty council is not required for reshuffling professors even under the existing system.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • このため同年4月、進退窮まった沢柳総長は辞職に追い込まれた(後任総長は山川健次郎東京帝大総長が兼任した)。
    Under such circumstances, the president of the university, Sawayanagi, was driven into a corner and was forced to resign from his post in April of the same year (Kenjiro YAMAKAWA, the president of Tokyo Imperial University, was concurrently appointed as a successor).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また京大では沢柳総長辞任の1年後、荒木寅三郎医学部教授を総長として選出、以降総長の学内選出が確立した。
    One year after the resignation of Sawayanagi, Torasaburo ARAKI, a professor of the Medical Department, was selected as the president of Kyoto Imperial University, and since then successive presidents were selected from among professors.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 柳沢安忠のときに駿河国大納言徳川忠長(徳川秀忠の子)の家臣となったが、忠長が兄徳川家光によって蟄居・幽閉に処せられたため浪人になった。
    Yasutada YANAGISAWA became a retainer of the Dainagon (chief councilor of state) Tadanaga TOKUGAWA (a son of Hidetada TOKUGAWA) of Suruga Province, but when Tadanaga was placed under house arrest by his elder brother Iemitsu TOKUGAWA, Yasutada became a warrior without a lord.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1913年7月、文部省の任命で就任して2ヵ月になったばかりの澤柳政太郎京都帝国大学総長は、教学の刷新を標榜して7教授(医科大学1名、理工科大学5名、文科大学1名)に辞表を提出させ8月に免官を発令した。
    In July 1913, the president of Kyoto Imperial University Masataro SAWAYANAGI, who was appointed by the Ministry of Education two months before, ordered seven professors (one for the medical school, five for the science and engineering school, and one for the literature school) to submit resignation letters because they called for the education reform, and dismissed them in August.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 国家資格や特殊な業務能力を有する特定個人と、そのサービスを受ける一般人との会話や、その双方の間で行われる質疑応答のやり取りを証拠データとなるように保管し、さらに即座にプリントできるようにする。
    To store a conversation between a particular individual having a national qualification or special professional ability and a civilian receiving service of the particular individual or an exchange of questions and answers carried out between the two so it will be evidential data and so it can be immediately printed. - 特許庁
  • また、文部省が京大総長の具状を待たずに分限委員会を開き滝川の休職処分を決定したことは、京大における沢柳事件(1913年-1914年)以来、「教授会自治」として認められていた慣行(総長の具状は教授会の同意を必要とするというもの)を無視するものであったうえに帝国大学官制にすら違反する可能性があった。
    The decision for Takigawa's extended leave by the Bungen (change in employment status) board of the Ministry of Education without waiting for an explanation from the President of Kyoto University ignored the tradition of 'Ruling by the Board of Professors' that was established by the Sawayanagi Incident (1913-1914) at Kyoto University (the explanation of the president requires the consent of the board of professors) and may have possibly been against the Imperial University Rules.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • おもな例として私立では東武鉄道の根津財閥が武蔵高等学校(旧制)、当代一流の教育家であった沢柳政太郎が成城高等学校(旧制)(現成城学園高等学校)、三菱財閥の岩崎家が成蹊高等学校(旧制)、関西地方の財界人が甲南高等学校(旧制)がある。
    As primary examples, for private schools there are Musashi Koto Gakko (under the old system) of Nezu Zaibatsu (financial conglomerate) of Tobu Railway Co., Ltd., Seijo Koto Gakko (under the old system) (present-day Seijo Gakuen High School) by Masataro SAWAYANAGI who was the foremost educator of the generation, Seikei Koto Gakko (under the old system) by the Iwasaki family of Mitsubishi Zaibatsu, and Konan Koto Gakko (under the old system) by a businessman in the Kansai region,  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 稲荷町(3か所)、植松町、夷之町、鍵屋町(4か所)、鍛冶屋町、柏屋町、上之町(3か所)、上柳町(3か所)、亀屋町、雁金町、川端町、菊屋町、吉文字町、材木町(3か所)、堺町(3か所)、山王町、塩屋町(3か所)、清水町、下之町、住吉町(3か所)、大工町、大黒町(3か所)、竹屋町、橘町(3か所)、俵屋町、富永町(3か所)、中之町、塗師屋町、八条坊門町、花屋町、仏具屋町、骨屋町、松本町、丸屋町(3か所)、八百屋町(3か所)、吉水町、若宮町(3か所)(注記のないものは2か所)
    Inari-cho (three locations), Uematsu-cho, Ebisuno-cho, Kagiya-cho (four locations), Kajiya-cho, Kashiwaya-cho, Kamino-cho (three locations), Kamiyanagi-cho (three locations), Kameya-cho, Karigane-cho, Kawabata-cho, Kikuya-cho, Kichimonji-cho, Zaimoku-cho (three locations), Sakai-machi (three locations), Sanno-cho, Shioya-cho (three locations), Shimizu-cho, Shimono-cho, Sumiyoshi-cho (three locations), Daiku-cho, Daikoku-cho (three locations), Takeya-machi, Tachibana-cho (three locations), Tawaraya-cho, Tominaga-cho (three locations), Nakano-cho, Nushiya-cho, Hachijo Bomon-cho, Hanaya-cho, Butsuguya-cho, Honeya-cho, Matsumoto-cho, Maruya-cho (three locations), Yaoya-cho (three locations), Yoshimizu-cho, and Wakamiya-cho (three locations) (There are two locations each for towns without notations.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 古墳の編年などから大型古墳はその時代の盟主(大王)の墳墓である可能性が高いことなどから推測すると、古墳時代の前期(3世紀の中葉から4世紀の初期)に奈良盆地の東南部の三輪山山麓に大和古墳群・柳本大塚が展開し、渋谷向山古墳(景行陵に比定)、箸墓古墳(卑弥呼の墓と推測する研究者もいる)、行燈山古墳(崇神陵に比定)、メスリ山古墳、西殿塚古墳(手白香皇女墓と比定)などの墳丘長が300から200メートルある大古墳が点在し、この地方(現桜井市や天理市)に王権があったことがわかる。
    Assuming from the high possibility of large kofun (tumulus) being a tomb of leader (great king) of the time by the chronological order of kofun and others, the following kofun tumulus show there was a sovereignty in this region (present day Sakurai City and Tenri City): Yamato-kofun Tumulus Clusters and Yanagimoto Otsuka Tumulus built at the foot of the Mt. Miwa, in the southeast of Nara basin in the early Kofun period (from about the middle of the third century to the early fourth century), and large scattered kofun with the hill length of 300 meters to 200 meters such as Shibutani Mukoyama-kofun Tumulus (identified as a mausoleum of Emperor Keiko), Hashihaka-kofun Tumulus (surmised by some researchers to be a grave of Himiko), Andonyama-kofun Tumulus (identified as a mausoleum of Emperor Sujin), Mesuriyama-kofun Tumulus, and Nishitonotsuka-kofun Tumulus (identified as the grave of Tashiraka no Himemiko).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
